bcgov / cas-reporting

This is for the Clean Growth Digital Services team for work related to reporting.
Apache License 2.0
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Reporting Dashboard: Date of Last Edit & Last Edited By Columns #234

Open suhafa opened 1 month ago

suhafa commented 1 month ago


As an Industry reporter I want to see the date of the last edit for each Operation's report so that I am aware of when the report was changed last. And as an Industry reporter I want to see the name of the person who edited the report last so that I am aware of who changed the report last.

This involves creating the 'Last edited by' column from the reporting dashboard wireframes. It captures who last hit 'save' or submit. May need to check the status of the save-as-you-go feature's implementation. This is also to add the column 'Date of last edit' from the reporting dashboard wireframes. We want to show when the report was last 'saved' if unsubmitted or when it was submitted if it was.

Wireframe here

Blocked by:

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am an Industry Reporter When I am on the Reporting Dashboard page Then I want to see a column that displays who the last person to edit/save each report was (i.e. their name)

Given I am an Industry Reporter When I am on the Reporting Dashboard page Then I want to see a column that displays the date when each report was last edited.

Development Checklist:

Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)



patriciarussellCAS commented 3 weeks ago

Merged ticket 235 into this one, then closed 235.

BallardRobinett commented 2 weeks ago

Are we trying to track this information in more detail for the user anywhere? As in, a history of what/when/who made all changes to a given operator.

patriciarussellCAS commented 2 weeks ago

Notes from Refinement: Moved into backlog as it's lower priority. Will need to make this a Full Stack ticket.