bcgov / cas-reporting

This is for the Clean Growth Digital Services team for work related to reporting.
Apache License 2.0
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As an Industry reporter I want to see who edited the report last in the operations list so that I am aware #235

Closed suhafa closed 3 weeks ago

suhafa commented 1 month ago


This involves creating the 'Last edited by' column from the reporting dashboard wireframes. It captures who last hit 'save' or submit. May need to check the status of the save-as-you-go feature's implementation.

Wireframe here

Blocked by:

Acceptance Criteria:

Given When Then

Development Checklist:

Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)



patriciarussellCAS commented 1 month ago

We think this is already set up in the backend, so just need to build the UI/front-end. How do we expose this data in the frontend? Tagging @pbastia for refinement next week. This ticket is affected by how we're considering Registration data in our snapshot.

suhafa commented 1 month ago

Question for BA, do edits on registration while I am reporting relfect back as changes updated here?

patriciarussellCAS commented 3 weeks ago

Merged this ticket into #234 so will close this now.