bcgov / cas-reporting

This is for the Clean Growth Digital Services team for work related to reporting.
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Activity page - Alumina production #272

Open dleard opened 5 months ago

dleard commented 5 months ago



Following #253 we have a full stack example of how to generate an activity emissions form using the API form builder service.The implementation here should be very similar to the GSC activitiy page.

Documentation on the full stack steps necessary to create an activity page are in our docs

Use the excel file (BCIERS Reporting Fields V2 in the SME channel files - Reporting App directory) provided by IRC to determine what the necessary activity, source type, gas type, methodology, reporting fields & related configurations that need to be added are.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am on the alumina production activity form page When I first land on the page Then the activity schema is fetched & displayed

Given the schema has rendered correctly When I make selections that have dependencies (gas type, methodology) Then the correct options and fields as defined from the configuration are shown

Development Checklist:

Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)



patriciarussellCAS commented 3 days ago

@gdalcengio (or @dleard or @pbastia @shon-button) could someone share the direct link so I can review this? I still can't get past the "person responsible" page in the dev workflow.

shon-button commented 22 hours ago


Login cas-dev Start url: Click row Operation 3 button Continue Change url review-operator-data to facilities/f486f2fb-62ed-438d-bb3e-0819b51e3aff/review Expected results: Image Select Activity\Aluminum or alumina production: Image Click Save and Continue Click task Aluminum or alumina production Expected results: Image

gdalcengio commented 22 hours ago


Login cas-dev Navigate to Facility Review: Select Aluminum or alumina production: Image Click Save and Continue Click task Aluminum or alumina production Image

Thank you Shon!