How many decimal places should be considered when doing calculations in the app?
How many decimal places would you like displayed to the user? (If different)
We currently have set it to consider 5 decimal places during calculations & display the same (removing trailing 0's) to the user
BA: 4 decimal places recommended.
Robb: We see sometimes that users inappropriately round when entering data. Is there a data validation practice we could implement? e.g, if 1234.0000 is entered can we pop-up an "are you sure?" message?
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[ ] Checklist item
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How many decimal places should be considered when doing calculations in the app? How many decimal places would you like displayed to the user? (If different) We currently have set it to consider 5 decimal places during calculations & display the same (removing trailing 0's) to the user
BA: 4 decimal places recommended. Robb: We see sometimes that users inappropriately round when entering data. Is there a data validation practice we could implement? e.g, if 1234.0000 is entered can we pop-up an "are you sure?" message?
Acceptance Criteria:
Given When Then
Development Checklist:
Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)
Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)
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