bcgov / cas-reporting

This is for the Clean Growth Digital Services team for work related to reporting.
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Report Summary: What information is displayed in the Report Summary #45

Closed jaimiebutton closed 3 months ago

jaimiebutton commented 9 months ago

Background: At the end of the reporting process Regulated Operations will be shown a Report Summary. We need to scope out and confirm a) what information is displayed and b) how this information is calculated.

Acceptance Criteria:


GOAL: To have a final decision on what is displayed in the Report Summary

patriciarussellCAS commented 7 months ago

Decision from Chris Fleming: Yes to the following questions

  1. Will Industry see their total emissions as it relates to their emissions limit in the Reporting app (meaning the number that will be used for their compliance obligation)?
  2. Can Industry assume this number (even if it is framed as an “estimate”) is the one used to calculate their compliance obligation? " Obviously we still need to work out the actual compliance obligation process… but for system design this makes sense."

Is this enough to close this ticket? Or should we dig in deeper?

patriciarussellCAS commented 3 months ago

Current Status - March 21 2024:

In the meantime, another ticket will be created to focus on the calculations needed for this Summary.

rdromey commented 3 months ago

Work on this will be continued in ticket #117

patriciarussellCAS commented 3 months ago

The scope of this has changed so I will close this ticket. Relevant work is captured in ticket #146