Closed jon-mc-git closed 1 year ago
The draft diagrams of the ECF architecture components were created and demoed to the team. Drawings included both our Core and Workload Environment common components (Cloud agnostic) platform architecture map. These components were demoed as being numbered and easily referenced by an incoming Public Cloud platform CI/CD process flow map once completed. Closing
Describe the Issue As part of the operationalization of our common component Public Cloud Service platform creation in AWS there needs to be created an ECF 'Core' and 'Workload Environment' solution architecture diagram created
Additional Context Diagramming is an important visual for understanding the intricacies of our refined ECF architecture (SEA + BC Gov developed custom modules) for a more full understanding of it among all parties involved (outside of the involved internal dev folks), especially during adverse times when investigations are underway or when training is needed internally, especially among related OCIO\ES groups. Each component of the architecture is produced from an ECF pipeline deployment module
Acceptance Criteria
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Extra Template Info
Definition of Ready These set of conditions will need to be met in order to bring a ticket into the sprint and start work. Protects the team from unclear requirements. Issues (Task/Story/Spike) aligned to an EPIC and linked appropriately. Assigned to the appropriate CPF MEMBER (and is not left blank in ZenHub) at the start of sprint (1st day of the sprint) Acceptance has been defined for the issue and has been reviewed with CPF team and approved by the necessary approver. Has been sized and estimated by the delivery team. Detailed breakdown of the steps required to complete the story in the additional context Any additional specifications have been documented, reviewed with CPF and approved by the necessary approver.
Acceptance Criteria A set of pre-defined requirement that need to be met in order to mark the user story as “done”. It should be testable with no room for interpretation It should be either “pass” or “fail” It should be clear enough for business stake holders to understand As part of the user story, it should be written from the user perspective A well written acceptance criteria is great for
Definition of Done These set of conditions are met for work to be considered as complete on an issue. All acceptance criteria(s) have been validated. All the necessary documentation for the issue has been uploaded to Teams. Functionality has been tested when applicable. Functionality has been demonstrated to the relevant stakeholders (where applicable). Story has been scheduled for a Sprint Demo/community update and impacted teams invited to the Demo. Stories accepted by PO and documented for potential sharing with impacted users.