Describe the taskCity should have real geographic names. To do so, the dataset should be checked against a list of community names in BC. If the name is not in that list, a user should get a warning. They can proceed to upload regardless or they can work on their excel file to fix it before uploading.
Normalizes City information to be typo-free.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] User should get a warning with a list of names and locations by index of cells that are not in the list of community names in BC.
[x] User should be able to ignore the warning and upload the file.
Describe the task
should have real geographic names. To do so, the dataset should be checked against a list of community names in BC. If the name is not in that list, a user should get a warning. They can proceed to upload regardless or they can work on their excel file to fix it before uploading.Purpose Normalizes
information to be typo-free.Acceptance Criteria
Additional context Please see GER_notes_for Agile_team, section 4 for a basic example.
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