When uploading data, a pop-up will display the number of errors and warnings. All errors must be fixed before proceeding with the upload, while warnings are optional and can be reviewed by the user to decide whether to proceed. Both errors and warnings will be listed, showing specific column and row issues. If only warnings are present, the user can view the list and choose whether to continue with the upload.
Purpose and benefit to user:
This feature guarantees data integrity by requiring users to address all errors before uploading, reducing potential issues with data accuracy and data analytics. The option to review warnings provides flexibility, allowing users to determine whether the information is needed or not..
Data Upload Error and Warning Notification
When uploading data, a pop-up will display the number of errors and warnings. All errors must be fixed before proceeding with the upload, while warnings are optional and can be reviewed by the user to decide whether to proceed. Both errors and warnings will be listed, showing specific column and row issues. If only warnings are present, the user can view the list and choose whether to continue with the upload.
[Insert Wireframe Link Here] [Insert Prototype Link Here]
Purpose and benefit to user:
This feature guarantees data integrity by requiring users to address all errors before uploading, reducing potential issues with data accuracy and data analytics. The option to review warnings provides flexibility, allowing users to determine whether the information is needed or not..
Acceptance Criteria:
Development Checklist:
Notes: See mock-up for details for additional context.