(1) Looks like the vinpower service is running on openshift dev now, so we can instantiate the job that uses that service to decode vins
(2) Noticed that the email_validator is not working as expected on dev, but it is locally; I think this is because my local nameserver is different from the openshift container's nameserver; switch to use google's dns server in both cases to see if this resolves the issue.
(3) Developers will need the vinpower jar in order for the spring service to work locally; the jar is on Teams: Team Zelda -> CTHUB -> Vin Decoding -> vinpower -> Java -> vp4jo_bttm_msrp_gvw_50011.jar. Locally, please put this jar in /spring/libs
(1) Looks like the vinpower service is running on openshift dev now, so we can instantiate the job that uses that service to decode vins (2) Noticed that the email_validator is not working as expected on dev, but it is locally; I think this is because my local nameserver is different from the openshift container's nameserver; switch to use google's dns server in both cases to see if this resolves the issue. (3) Developers will need the vinpower jar in order for the spring service to work locally; the jar is on Teams: Team Zelda -> CTHUB -> Vin Decoding -> vinpower -> Java -> vp4jo_bttm_msrp_gvw_50011.jar. Locally, please put this jar in /spring/libs