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Cold/Flu: API End Points #1000

Closed ca-liu closed 1 year ago

ca-liu commented 1 year ago

User Story A short, simple description of a feature or issue told from the perspective of the user. “As a user wanting to register my worksite for a clinic, I did find my worksite listed but I have reasons to register our team as a separate clinic”


path ={CUSTOM_PATH}/

CUSTOM PATH: ministries HTTP METHOD: GET Output: return array of ministries Ex:

        ministry_id: 1,
        m_name: "Ministry of Transportation",
        is_active: 1,
        date_updated: DATETIME
        ministry_id: 2,
        m_name: "Ministry of Heath",
        is_active: 0,
        date_updated: DATETIME

  CUSTOM PATH: worksites_ministries_joined/ministry_id? HTTP METHOD: GET Output: return array of worksite_ministries Ex:

        wm_id: 1,
        worksite: {
            Worksite_id: 1,
            Street_number: "12345",
            Street_name: "Burrard St.",
            City: "Victoria",
            Province: "BC"
        wm_id: 2,
        worksite: {
            Worksite_id: 2,
            Street_number: "4567",
            Street_name: "Mian St.",
            City: "Victoria",
            Province: "BC"

  CUSTOM PATH: vm_registrations_worksites_joined?{worksite_id} HTTP METHOD: GET Output: return array of registrations Ex:

        Registration: {
            number_of_employees: 10,
            is_closed: 0,
            year: 2023,
            deleted_ind: 0,
        Primary_Contact: {
            first_name: "Bob",
            last_name: "Builder",
            email: ""
        m_name: "Ministry of Transportation"
        Registration: {
            number_of_employees: 3,
            is_closed: 0,
            year: 2023,
            deleted_ind: 0,
        Primary_Contact: {
            first_name: "Kim",
            last_name: "Possible",
            email: ""
        m_name: "Ministry of Health"

  CUSTOM PATH: insert_worksite_registgration HTTP METHOD: POST Input: forms JSON Backend Logic: See documentation from Mike

New worksite:

Existing worksite:

Output: return http success / fail message

CUSTOM PATH: delete_registration/ HTTP METHOD: POST Input: { "application_id": 1} Output: return http success / fail message

Acceptance Criteria

iman-jamali-fw commented 1 year ago

Great question! year would be the year that the form was first submitted. We also have a last_modified_date_time row in the database to capture changes.

Perfect! I added year, a hidden field in the form with logic that only captures the year during the initial submission.

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago


Based on the updated ERD Caleb has shared, the Endpoints updated accordingly. Please let me know if you run any issues

ca-liu commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much, @mikeshi-bcgov and @iman-jamali-fw

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago

@iman-jamali-fw And the request example for endpoint, is now like:

var postdata = { "application_id": 1, "city": "city_2", "closed_reason": "closed_reason_3", "country": "country_4", "date_modified": "2023-04-18T15:16:10-07:00", "date_submitted": "2023-04-18T15:16:10-07:00", "is_closed": "is_closed_7", "is_relocating": "is_relocating_8", "ministry_id": 9, "number_of_employees": 10, "postal_code": "postal_code_11", "primary_email": "primary_email_12", "primary_first_name": "primary_first_name_13", "primary_last_name": "primary_last_name_14", "primary_phone": "primary_phone_15", "province": "province_16", "secondary_email": "secondary_email_17", "secondary_first_name": "secondary_first_name_18", "secondary_last_name": "secondary_last_name_19", "secondary_phone": "secondary_phone_20", "special_instructions": "special_instructions_21", "street_name": "street_name_22", "street_number": "street_number_23", "year": 24}

iman-jamali-fw commented 1 year ago

@mikeshi-bcgov Works great! Thanks.

There is just one change in the URL, the last word in the insert URL has an extra n. Can you fix that? `\

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago


Sorry, corrected

mikeshitelus commented 1 year ago

@iman-jamali-fw and @bhumin-fw A new API endpoint for existing Worksite is now available for your test HTTP POST (

Request Example: var postdata = { "application_id": 1, "closed_reason": "closed_reason_2", "date_modified": "2023-04-19T09:23:55-07:00", "date_submitted": "2023-04-19T09:23:55-07:00", "is_closed": "is_closed_5", "is_relocating": "is_relocating_6", "ministry_id": 7, "number_of_employees": 8, "primary_email": "primary_email_9", "primary_first_name": "primary_first_name_10", "primary_last_name": "primary_last_name_11", "primary_phone": "primary_phone_12", "secondary_email": "secondary_email_13", "secondary_first_name": "secondary_first_name_14", "secondary_last_name": "secondary_last_name_15", "secondary_phone": "secondary_phone_16", "special_instructions": "special_instructions_17", "worksite_id": 18, "year": 19}

Response: { "value": [{ "primary_contact_id": 1, "registrations_id": 2, "secondary_contact_id": 3}]}

iman-jamali-fw commented 1 year ago



So this endpoint will actually update an existing registration? Because it's a post I thought it is adding a new entry.

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago

@iman-jamali-fw This endpoint will add a new entry in table "registration" based on an existing WorkSite.

iman-jamali-fw commented 1 year ago


Ok. I think I don't know the exact requirement of adding based on the existing worksite feature. Can you help me understand the difference between insert_registration and insert_existing_registration? Does the existing require an existing worksite_id in the body?

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago


Base on existing WorkSite, not existing Registration. Which assuming you already have ministry_id and worksite_id.

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago


Actually you can also use those basic endpoints for each table to achieve the same, just a few more steps on Form side.

iman-jamali-fw commented 1 year ago

@mikeshi-bcgov That makes sense. Thank you

iman-jamali-fw commented 1 year ago

@mikeshi-bcgov To confirm, for any null values in the form I should instead send a string of the word "no"?

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago


Should be BLANK

iman-jamali-fw commented 1 year ago


By blank you mean that field should not exist in the body or have a string of "blank"? :)

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago

@iman-jamali-fw For instance, here are what we received for fields "closed_reason" and "special_istructions" for application_id 8415/8437, not sure what you have posted, if no value for the field should like closed_reason.


bhumin-fw commented 1 year ago


A new API endpoint for new worksite and registration HTTP POST

Do we have update endpoint ready for the same? we will pass same object again in request body. We call above same url using PUT method HTTP PUT note: 301 is an application id

Same for below too.

A new API endpoint for existing Worksite is now available for your test HTTP POST (

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago


Because this kind of endpoint dealing with multiple tables is based on Stored Procedure, will only accept POST request. How about I create a separate endpoint named like ""?

If this works for you, I will create tomorrow.

bhumin-fw commented 1 year ago


Yes Mike, Separate endpoints work fine. Please consider that I'll be able to send same object in update request like which sending in POST. I'll have application_id so let me know how should I pass application_id in that, which help to update data on dataware house.

Please keep it in your list that we need both endpoints with update requirements.

  1. worksite and registrations

  2. registration under existing worksite

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw sounds good, will work on these tomorrow, and update you when available

mikeshitelus commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw Endpoint HTTP POST ( has been created, please test.

bhumin-fw commented 1 year ago

@mikeshitelus @mikeshi-bcgov

I did send 2 request one for _insert and one for _update. Could you please check and let me know both received on your end or not? One more can we connect on a call to discuss about other API? let me know what is a preferred way to connect with you on a call.

mikeshitelus commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw seems only received the _insert request, record was inserted.

mikeshitelus commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw Endpoint HTTP POST ( is now available for testing too.

bhumin-fw commented 1 year ago

@mikeshitelus @mikeshi-bcgov I'm checking issue for sending second request for the update on server.

Thank you so much for the quick response here on other _update endpoints too.

mikeshitelus commented 1 year ago


Actually every time once you have inserted/updated, you can query to confirm by yourself, if you need more fields to be expose through those joined views please let me know.

eg.$filter=application_id eq 8511

mikeshitelus commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw I will be available Monday anytime after 10:00AM, please let me know what time work for you?

bhumin-fw commented 1 year ago

@mikeshitelus @mikeshi-bcgov

I'm having my onboarding task on that day. how about 2 or 2:30pm on Monday?

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw Ok, let's meet 2:30 PM Monday

mikeshitelus commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw Endpoint for registration soft deletion is now available: HTTP POST (

var postdata = { "application_id": 1};

bhumin-fw commented 1 year ago

@mikeshi-bcgov @mikeshitelus

Thank you for your prompt update on DELETE registration. Is that apply in get registration related API too (ignore soft deleted registration in the GET API list endpoint /ods_datamart_influenza_vw_registrations_worksites_joined?worksite_id=1)?

I'll update workflow and check delete registration by tomorrow afternoon. I'll keep you posted if I have any query in that.

ca-liu commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @mikeshi-bcgov and @bhumin-fw for going over the endpoint details today!

As discussed, I have updated the ticket to include the expected input/output for the end points.

mikeshi-bcgov commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw Yes, the "deleted" registrations will be ignored from endpoint /ods_datamart_influenza_vw_registrations_worksites_joined. As for endpoint /ods_datamart_influenza_registrations/, because it is directly with table, you need to apply filter "deleted_ind Eq null"

EduardoRamirezBC commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw Wondering if this ticket can move to review? It's blocking other tickets and we need to start wrapping up this project.

bhumin-fw commented 1 year ago

@EduardoRamirezBC For sure, I'll start work on some API and verify all details. Try to move this ticket to "peer review" today itself.

iman-jamali-fw commented 1 year ago


I'll move the delete related pieced from this ticket to its own ticket, #1025, and will track it from there.

bhumin-fw commented 1 year ago

@mikeshi-bcgov Thank you for all the back and forth update on endpoints. Appreciate that. Thank you @iman-jamali-fw for your follow up and pick some conversation while I was away.

I'm moving this ticket to peer review and I guess we can close this ticket in next standup.

chriscaldwell-psa commented 1 year ago

Bhumin and I went through the form today and all the data pulls in well. He has a few other things to do based on work from other tickets. This ticket can be closed.

MeghanStothers commented 1 year ago

Thanks to all for working on the famous #1000 - this one was a lift of many hands.

Stella-Archer commented 1 year ago

@bhumin-fw @iman-jamali-fw can this be closed? Does it include edit functionality in submit

bhumin-fw commented 1 year ago

@Stella-Archer Yes it include edit functionality in submit. We can close this ticket.