bcgov / digital-journeys

PSA Forms System
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Tool: Alert Message for OCI cut over weekend #1847

Open Stella-Archer opened 3 days ago

Stella-Archer commented 3 days ago

User Story “As an employee or Supervisor using Digital Journeys Platform. I want know about potential outage event so I can plan my work around them.”

Tasks Digital Journeys will be 'down' over the weekend of July 18-22 while the OCI team transfers all PS data to the cloud. please add an alert message to the home page of the platform, as soon as possible, so users currently working on their forms are prepared for the event. Message for Alert Banner:

Planned Maintenance: From Thursday, July 18 at 5 pm to Monday, July 22 at noon, there will be no access to forms on the Digital Journeys Platform

Any questions, please contact the Digital Journeys team.

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