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Find out what to do with the old BC Dev Exchange URL #490

Closed thegentlemanphysicist closed 3 years ago

thegentlemanphysicist commented 3 years ago

Currently the url goes to the the BC Dev Exchange.
What should happen to it once the site is decommissioned? Since people may have the site bookmarked it may be worth keeping the url active and redirecting traffic to where the content is now hosted.

parulmishra commented 3 years ago

@mark-a-wilson We need to free the route from Openshift. Also delete the SSL certs.

mark-a-wilson commented 3 years ago

The domain is owned by BCDevOps. I will try to connect with Olena or Shelly or someone from the platform team to get advice on the best thing to do here.

mark-a-wilson commented 3 years ago

Just talked with Olena. She agreed that a redirect should be set up from (or any pages within that domain) to the appropriate page on

The domain is owned by BCDevOps (Platform Services team), so if Parul needs any assistance with changes to the domain, she can reach out directly to Cailey Jones.