This is a low on Python content, heavy on quarto content update:
Updated the index page to have actual info instead of the quarto template,
updated the references to be relevant,
added cheat sheet links,
updated the overall look of the course (which was wildly fun, not going to lie).
There's a bug in quarto where the license.qmd page isn't rendering properly (if you click the license link at the bottom of the page, it doesn't take you to a rendered html) - I raised it with quarto and I think they're looking into it. So for right now that doesn't work, but may or may not get patched.
This is a low on Python content, heavy on quarto content update:
There's a bug in quarto where the license.qmd page isn't rendering properly (if you click the license link at the bottom of the page, it doesn't take you to a rendered html) - I raised it with quarto and I think they're looking into it. So for right now that doesn't work, but may or may not get patched.