Closed mstanton1 closed 1 year ago
@chdivyareddy @mstanton1 has testing on location changes completed? Looking in DEV within the last 7 days, I only see MANUFACTURER and OTHER location types created. I am hoping to use DEV data as the source for report unit testing.
@doug-lovett Yes, just the UI form was tested for the Other land location types and haven't submitted any of them as the review and confirm page is not implemented yet, but I can try submitting them if you would like to, thanks!
@chdivyareddy yes please.
@doug-lovett Registrations were created for different location types in DEV (BRTEST1 account). Please take a look, thanks!!
Draft ID 759 MHR 150302: "location": { "address": { "street": "253-8400 Shook Rd", "city": "Mission", "region": "BC", "country": "CA", "postalCode": "A1A 1A1" }, "additionalDescription": "Additional description of Indian Reserve", "locationType": "OTHER", "otherType": "RESERVE", "bandName": "Ts'kw'aylaxw First Nation" },
760 MHR 150303: "location": { "address": { "street": "940 Blanshard St", "city": "Victoria", "region": "BC", "country": "CA", "postalCode": "A1A 1A1" }, "pidNumber": "014597365", "locationType": "OTHER", "otherType": "STRATA", "legalDescription": "THE NORTH WEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8 TOWNSHIP 79 RANGE 15 WEST OF THE 6TH MERIDIAN PEACE RIVER DISTRICT" },
761 MHR 150304: "location": { "address": { "street": "43212 Honeysuckle Dr", "city": "Chilliwack", "region": "BC", "country": "CA", "postalCode": "A1A 1A1" }, "pidNumber": "013858882", "additionalDescription": "Additional description.", "locationType": "OTHER", "otherType": "OTHER", "legalDescription": "PARCEL C (O3806) OF LOT 10 DISTRICT LOT 9778 CARIBOO DISTRICT PLAN 2289" },
762 MHR 150305: "location": { "address": { "street": "940 Blakeon Pl", "city": "Victoria", "region": "BC", "country": "CA", "postalCode": "A1A 1A1" }, "additionalDescription": "Additional description of the strata.", "locationType": "OTHER", "otherType": "STRATA", "lot": "2" },
763 MHR 150306: "location": { "address": { "street": "53-601 Beatty Ave NW", "city": "Salmon Arm", "region": "BC", "country": "CA", "postalCode": "A1A 1A1" }, "additionalDescription": "Test.", "locationType": "OTHER", "otherType": "OTHER", "lot": "A" },
@tlebedovich in the UI design for the outputs there is a scenario for Strata PID Lookup + LTSA Legal Description. In this scenario it looks like you want to add the word "STRATA" to the legal description. Do you want to replace "LOT" with "STRATA LOT" and "PLAN" with "STRATA PLAN"?
@doug-lovett - Are you referring to the LSTA string that gets automatically pulled in with the PID? I think where we pull in an official LTSA string, we should keep it as is.
If you don't have a PID and do the manually entry of the legal description fields in our new UI, then we were hoping if the user clicked the Strata radio button, then subheads in the outputs would say "Strata Lot: XXX" and "Strata Plan: XX" instead of the usual "Lot" and "Plan".
For legacy system registrations, where you can't tell the Location Type, I guess we would have to leave it as the generic "Lot:" and "Plan:"
@tlebedovich yes I was referring to the LTSA string scenario. Thanks, I will go with your comment. Here is a screenshot of what I was referencing:
location manufacturer example:
Yes, I think in my mind, I assumed the words STRATA would be already included in the LTSA string (not something we would add), the pink above in the LTSA string is confusing for you, sorry.
location mh park example:
location other additional example:
location strata pid example:
location other pid example:
location reserve example:
location strata manual legal description example:
location other manual legal description example:
Hey @doug-lovett , Can you please take a look at these in DEV, thanks!!
MHR Number: 150329
@chdivyareddy there is a problem with the location data submitted. For 150329: "location": { "address": { "street": "323-4600 Westwater Dr", "city": "Richmond", "region": "BC", "country": "CA", "postalCode": "A1A 1A1" }, "additionalDescription": "Description of the Indian reserve", "locationType": "OTHER", "otherType": "RESERVE", "parcel": "234234234", "block": "234234234", "districtLot": "324223", "partOf": "2343", "section": "234234", "township": "23", "range": "53", "meridian": "23", "landDistrict": "23423423", "plan": "234234234", "bandName": "O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation", "reserveNumber": "456534", "exceptPlan": "Description.", "lot": "23523" }, There is no otherType property in the API spec: the otherType value should be locationType value.
For 150328 same comment as above. Here is the submitted location data: "location": { "address": { "street": "432-289 Alexander St", "city": "Vancouver", "region": "BC", "country": "CA", "postalCode": "A1A 1A1" }, "pidNumber": "014597365", "locationType": "OTHER", "otherType": "STRATA", "legalDescription": "THE NORTH WEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8 TOWNSHIP 79 RANGE 15 WEST OF THE 6TH MERIDIAN PEACE RIVER DISTRICT" },
Thanks @doug-lovett , will create a UI ticket for this!
Created #14751
MHR API MH registration output updates to location information. UI design link: Mail version UI design link: