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Reconciliation Box shows result of conciliation #17399

Open danaannab opened 1 year ago

danaannab commented 1 year ago

Scenario I GIVEN that I am a SBC Finance WHEN I am looking at the Total Paid Column for a service with an invoice # THEN it should match the information lifted from CAS under the same columns

Scenario II GIVEN that I am a SBC Finance WHEN I am looking at the Total Paid Column for a service with an invoice # AND it does not match the information lifted from CAS under the titles columns THEN the dashboard with a red exclamation mark appears indicating that systems do not match AND SBC Finance resource will be able to drill down to find where the discrepancy is

danaannab commented 1 year ago

User Story: As a SBC Finance user of BCROS I want to see the box indicating reconciliation is complete is in green if information in BCROS and CAS match (payment and invoice)

danaannab commented 1 year ago

User Story As a SBC Finance user of BCROS I should be able to tell if there is a discrepancy between CAS and the BCROS when a red exclamation mark appears in the red reconciliating box and I should be able to drill down by clicking on the red exclamation mark to see the records that aren't matching