"Lazy loading" of app components should be investigated/implemented, so that only the minimal app loads initially, and the rest of the components can load when it known that a redirect is not forthcoming. If possibly, this should include dependencies (vendor packages), CSS, etc.
"Lazy loading" of app components should be investigated/implemented, so that only the minimal app loads initially, and the rest of the components can load when it known that a redirect is not forthcoming. If possibly, this should include dependencies (vendor packages), CSS, etc.
See: https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/html-and-static-assets.html#preload https://itnext.io/vue-js-app-performance-optimization-part-3-lazy-loading-vuex-modules-ed67cf555976
Also, "dynamic imports" may improve performance similary. See: https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/#dynamic-imports https://www.sitepoint.com/vue-async-components/
See also #1823 (vendor chunk size).
Dependencies Webpack configuration
Acceptance Criteria
Validation Rules None
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