bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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Continuation In #19254

Open JazzarKarim opened 8 months ago

JazzarKarim commented 8 months ago

Description : A foreign corporation may apply to “continue in” to BC. To do so, authorization must have been received from the foreign jurisdiction. Authorization is typically in the form of a letter. The authorization must be sent to the registry as a precondition to this transaction.

User story

AS an User WHEN I want to continue an existing corporation into BC THEN I can complete a Continuation In filing AND I can be recognized as a legal business in BC and can operate in the province

Filings to be built

Policy approval regarding BC Benefit Company : Sections 302(1)(c)(ii) of the BCA allows for a company incorporated outside of BC to continue into BC as a benefit company. There is no need for legislative or regulation amendments to allow this.

MRAS (The Multi-Jurisdictional Registry Access Service (MRAS) is a digital solution created to connect the 14 business registries in Canada.) Data published - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, Corporations Canada (Federal) and Ontario Requirement Document - Comparison Incorporation vs. Continuation and CPRD data fields:

Sample Output Other potential stories:

~UX design (old?): ~UX design (in progress): UX design (Figma):

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Sample Continuation In

Decision Made

NaveenHebbale commented 4 months ago

@yuisotozaki Affidavit for ULC is required for AB & NS

NaveenHebbale commented 4 months ago

@severinbeauvais @yuisotozaki @OlgaPotiagalova, We discussing with Business to Avoid MRAs search for any companies in MRAs Judristion ( MRAs is may not be up to date, and retrieving this data may not be useful). This will simplify the whole process.