Open danaannab opened 7 months ago
What is the process for having a card/product added to SBC Connect for the Short Term Rental Registry? What's our session timeout? Is the session time out related to Keycloak (BC Services Card) or SBC Connect? Which part of SBC Connect manages the time out?
[9:25 a.m.] Lane, John AM CITZ:EX Annab, Dana CITZ:EX The task for 20894 is to find the last product that launched and to fill in the ticket with the specific tasks/effort that went into that one
Emailed Janis to search for designer
Here is the mockup page:
Title: Short Term Rental Registry
Main Text: Register your short term rental property with the Province.
Alt text for image: A woman holding an iPad stands beside a house with a location pin on top.
Spike: Account type
User Story As a user I want to see STRR listed as a product on the platform so that I can subscribe to it
Acceptance Criteria: Scenario 1: Users see the product on the Marketing page GIVEN when I navigate to page WHEN I scroll to the BC Registry Account Section THEN I see STRR as an available product
Scenario 2: Users see the product on My Registry Dashboard GIVEN when I log in to BC Registry WHEN I navigate to BC Registries dashboard AND that I have subscribed to STRR on my account THEN I am able to see STRR as the list of Products available
Scenario 3: Users can see the updated list of Products while creating an account GIVEN I want to create an account with BC Registry WHEN I click on create account THEN that I see the list of Products: STRR available to subscribe in Step 1
Scenario 4: Users can see the updated list of Products while creating an account GIVEN that I already have an account WHEN I navigate to the Account info section AND navigate to the products and Services tab THEN that I see the list of Products: STRR available to subscribe