bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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UI - Updates to framework for Individual Form #20982

Open mstanton1 opened 3 weeks ago

mstanton1 commented 3 weeks ago


J-Baese commented 2 days ago

@hfekete couple of spacing issues with the section headers (in general) - it's feeling a bit tight, can we make the spacing like this?:

image.png image.png

And then with the larger sections that have a header the corners of the white box should be rounded at the top but then no radius in the subsequent inner sections until the bottom image.png

J-Baese commented 2 days ago

@hfekete just noticed this weird spacing happening also with the button running into the top of the form: image.png

And i assume that the date of significance will get moved when you update that component?