bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
Apache License 2.0
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Create UI: email and phone number is being displayed as Not Found #21116

Open riyazuddinsyed opened 2 weeks ago

riyazuddinsyed commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug in the current situation When the user files Continuation In Filing from an NR that is affiliated to the account then the Email and Phone number are displayed as Not Found even though the profile section has both email and phone number.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ''
  2. Login as BCREGA001/98900001
  3. Search for PS5 ULC Continuation In NR
  4. Start a Continuation In filing
  5. On the Create UI observe that the Email and Phone number section says not found.

Screenshots/ Visual Reference/ Source

Screen Shot 2024-05-02 at 12.30.44 PM.png
severinbeauvais commented 2 weeks ago

Go to step 2 and enter the Registered Office Contact Information. Now does the Email and Phone display?

This is the same in an IA or Registration filing.

Please close this ticket if my answer is satisfactory. If it isn't, please explain the expectation.