bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
Apache License 2.0
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Fix missing validation messages #21137

Open hfekete opened 2 weeks ago

hfekete commented 2 weeks ago
mstanton1 commented 1 week ago

@hfekete to advise when updated form changes are in so @gunanagar can confirm which of these are outstanding, mark resolved issues, and update ticket to include any other validation issues found.

gunanagar commented 1 week ago

missing validation message on address -> country - Valid validation message for address -> line 1 -- validation error message does not appear on blur - Valid validation message doesn't clear for address -> all fields -- when filled by the line 1 selection error messages persist if they were there previously (errors are not updating from the selection. Probably related to ^) birthdate validation message does not clear after date selection -Valid changing citizenship removes all other validation messages on the form - Valid tax number error validation is not triggered or cleared properly - Valid on full form validation the input radio validation error is not shown - Valid on update validation messages on both radios are not cleared correctly (the opposite radio will retain its error message) - Valid if there are errors on fullname, when hitting "add my own info" error messages do not go away - Valid the placeholder texts in some components do not turn red when there is an error. (citizenship, tax number input, and some input boxes in the address section) - Valid