bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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[Add Documentation] - Upload Files #21163

Open fionazhou-jsb opened 1 week ago

fionazhou-jsb commented 1 week ago

User Story:

As a host I want to upload one or multiple required documents to my listing ( eg; Principal Residence proof) to my application so that I am providing the required information for the review process. 


For MVP version, hosts will be able to upload one or multiple supporting documents for their registration form.

📏 Business Rules

🎨 UX/UI Link:

🎭 Story Scenarios

Scenario Max Document Size

Given the user is on the "Determine Eligibility" Page Then the document upload section should state the permitted document types and max file size for upload documents

Scenario upload documents individually

Given the user is on the "Determine Eligibility" Page When the user clicks on the upload button then the user is provided with a simple upload function to upload one document from their computer or mobile device Then there is a list uploaded documents that shows each documents that have been uploaded

Scenario delete uploaded document

Given the user is on the "Determine Eligibility" Page and wants to delete a document When the user clicks on delete document from list Then all documents uploaded are deleted

## 🌍 Global Scenarios ## Data Validation # Mikaela to confirm: Do we need to do these for MVP - data validation required for inputing data in the right format - as defined by business rules. ### Internet Connection #### Standard Internet Connection Given I am accessing the website from a standard internet connection When I navigate to any page on the site Then the page should load completely within 2 seconds, ensuring a fast and efficient user experience. #### Low-Speed Internet Given a user accesses "Application Details View" with a low-speed internet connection defined as under [specific speed] Mbps When the user attempts to load and interact with the dashboard page Then the "Application Details View" should prioritize critical content and functionality, loading essential elements first to ensure usability. #### Mobile Responsiveness Given I am accessing "Application Details View" on a mobile device When I click on the "any" link Then "_____ " should display correctly and be easily editable on my device, ensuring a responsive design.