bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
Apache License 2.0
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Auth Web: Deleting a continuation In application in Filings UI leaves a draft on MBR. #21200

Open riyazuddinsyed opened 3 weeks ago

riyazuddinsyed commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug in the current situation When a user deletes a draft Continuation In filing on the Filings UI, then the pop-up shows that all changes will be lost and will be redirected to the Business Registry page but on the MBR page the Draft continuation In filing still exists.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ''
  2. Start a Continuation In Numbered Filing.
  3. On the Filings UI delete the Continuation In filing
  4. On the MBR observe that the Draft continuation in Filing still exits which isn't the case when we start a new numbered BC IA.
davemck513 commented 2 weeks ago

@riyazuddinsyed , cannot duplicate.