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UI Design - Civi Address enhancement #21621

Open LizGovier opened 3 weeks ago

LizGovier commented 3 weeks ago

Requirements Meeting Notes - June 5th

Re: Street address

Issue Not all Civic Address’s have a street address. We need more clarity where there is not a street address as SBC staff are not sure what to write in the Street Address field when issuing a transport permit and tend to contact BC Reg staff for further instruction.

Homes not having a street address is quite common.

Example whe homes do not having a Street Address:

We do not want to encourage users to write an incorrect address but to provide guidance in those circumstances.

Is there a way to use BC Assessment Lookup? PID’s come from Land Title

Options Provide a checkbox ‘I do not have a street address’ > then shows addition field “

Liz to sort through below notes:

Site Name Field or Check mark ; I do not have a civic address then provide a site name

Kevin: We don't care about non civic addresses and it's truly what we're asking about is only a civic address, then we can answer the question one way. If we always want an address, then our headings are wrong. Where we shouldn't be asking for a civic address of the home we should be asking for a residential address of the home and the address that is entered would be either a civic address or a non civic address. Sharon: For starters these are supposed to be residential homes and they might end up as an example going on a transport permit to a location that has not yet been given a civic address because there is no residential unit there yet. And for a piece of property that is rural as example, that has no house as a rental home on it, there is no civic address.

So in some cases a home won’t have that street number yet, but they will eventually. Once the home gets put there, they'll be given that and then the expectation is to come back and give it to us. If there is no civic address, then we ask for further information such as umm, you know, corner, lot of range, Rd to and whatever or

So I would hesitate to remove the term civic address because that's what we use everywhere on forms and everywhere, but we could certainly add that detail that if there is no street number you know, provided the site location.

Yeah, and my only comment about that is that so currently if we're talking legacy, you have to put something in the street. Field. Umm, not you don't have to put a number, but in our legacy at this is broken down differently, right? So.

But if it's ever not a civic address. So and you have to keep in mind that you know 90% of the change of locations that are occurring or transport permits probably issued by service BC.

So they have to understand what to put here very carefully.

And typically speaking, if they don't know what to put there because there isn't, they phone us and we tell them not to put there.

ticket 3475

LizGovier commented 3 weeks ago

/cc @arlentees I've added this ticket. Sorry my notes are a little scattered. I'll review them this week

arlentees commented 3 weeks ago

OCIO Address Guidance is kept on a PDF at