New requirement to allow a new transport permit on a home when an active permit exists (the permit has not expired).
Occasionally a home moves from a manufacturer to a dealership and from a dealership to a new owner within 30 days. Currently an API rule prevents a transport permit from being created when there is an existing active permit.
API change:
[x] Allow for staff
[x] Allow for non-staff when the active permit was created by the same BCRS account that is submitting the new permit request (new validation rule).
[x] Create a new PostgreSQL note status type "COMPLETED" to capture when a home transport permit move has completed.
[x] Add a new boolean property named "moveCompleted" to the create transport permit request. If an active permit exists on the home a new validation rule will require that this property value is true. The registration will set the status of the active permit note to COMPLETED in PostgreSQL and to 'C" (cancelled) in the legacy DB2 database.
New requirement to allow a new transport permit on a home when an active permit exists (the permit has not expired). Background: Occasionally a home moves from a manufacturer to a dealership and from a dealership to a new owner within 30 days. Currently an API rule prevents a transport permit from being created when there is an existing active permit.
API change: