bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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Filings UI: display continuation in filing in intermediate states (entity dashboard) #21977

Open severinbeauvais opened 1 week ago

severinbeauvais commented 1 week ago

A continuation in filing is a bootstrap filing, so there is no business id -- a temporary business number is used. In this special mode, Filings UI fetches the bootstrap filing using the filing endpoint and then determines, based on the filing status, whether it belongs in the Todo List or the Filing History List.

Filings UI needs to be updated to display a continuation in filing in different states:

  1. DRAFT
    • in Todo List
    • can be resumed or deleted
    • same as today
    • in Filing History List
    • similar to FILED and PENDING
      • show application output
      • show receipt output
    • need custom blurb (@andyyanggov)
      • needs to say "Pending Staff Review"
    • what does Future Effective look like? similar to existing
      • needs to say "Pending Staff Review"
      • needs to say "Future Effective"
    • "Change Requested"
    • in Todo List
    • also keep the filing in Filing History List (as above)
    • need custom blurb (@andyyanggov)
    • action button should be "Make Changes"
    • no delete action
  4. filed/pending/completed
    • in Filing History List
    • same as today
    • in Filing History List
    • need blurb (@andyyanggov)
    • show application
    • show receipt (future: also show refund)

(*) @andyyanggov , do we want a special Todo panel and action button for this? (Maybe no action button when awaiting review?)

severinbeauvais commented 1 week ago

Blocked while awaiting final design (which is reviewing where the filing displays in different states). That will affect complexity due to:

severinbeauvais commented 2 days ago

See Figma for latest designs on intermediate states (and blurbs).

Shall we show intermediate outputs (that we also emailed the client) when the application is pending?

severinbeauvais commented 1 day ago

Here is a sample continuation application in AWAITING_REVIEW status:

Currently, Filings UI displays the "invalid application" dialog. THIS ticket will resolve that.