As a BComp, I want to file a Notice of Alteration, so that I can maintain the rest of the information about my Benefit Company.
When entities incorporate, they need to provide a lot of information upfront about the entity. When they want to change any part of that information, they need to do a maintenance filing.
There are different kinds of maintenance filings - Change of Directors & Change of Address are two separate filings. Notice of Alteration is basically everything else!
in a Notice of Alteration filing, the user can change the following pieces of information about the entity:
Story As a BComp, I want to file a Notice of Alteration, so that I can maintain the rest of the information about my Benefit Company.
Background When entities incorporate, they need to provide a lot of information upfront about the entity. When they want to change any part of that information, they need to do a maintenance filing. There are different kinds of maintenance filings - Change of Directors & Change of Address are two separate filings. Notice of Alteration is basically everything else!
Description in a Notice of Alteration filing, the user can change the following pieces of information about the entity:
Acceptance Criteria See the requirements document here:
Story Level Definition of Ready: