bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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Emailer - stage 1 overdue ARs notification (EP flow) #22496

Closed argush3 closed 1 month ago

argush3 commented 2 months ago

A first cut of the processor for stage 1 AR notifications has already been implemented for BC companies in #21760.

This ticket is to update to support the stage 1 AR EP flow.

Designs can be found here.


chenhongjing commented 1 month ago

QA Notes

How to create Xpro We don't have extraprovincial companies in our LEAR db and some parts of services don't fully support it. Here is a temporary solution for creating and testing Xpro businesses (legal type is A)

  1. Create a BC company.
  2. Change businesses.legal_type to A in LEAR db. It's good but not necessary to change the identifier from format like BC1234567 to A1234567 to match the format in COLIN. But if you change the identifier, you should update entities.business_identifier in Auth DB too.

Note that after the change is done, the business dashboard cannot be accessed because the UI doesn't support this legal type right now.

And after that you can change businesses.founding_date to make it eligible for dissolution and move it into dissolution process. For more details of this step, please refer to Argus's doc for "Involuntary Dissolution(manual testing)".

What's done in this work

  1. Support stage 1 email notification for extraprovincial companies which have over ARs
  2. The email will be sent out using EP flow template and with EP flow attachment

Note that you can also use ./ -f <furnishingId> -t 'bc.registry.dis solution' -i <identifier> -n <furnishingName> to inject message for emailer.

Pls feel free to ask any questions, thanks! 🐱

vishnup0422 commented 1 month ago

Created a BC business BC0883555

Updated the business legal type to 'A' to make it a EP business. Renamed it in DB

UPDATE public.businesses SET identifier = 'A0883555' WHERE identifier = 'BC0883555'

Updated the same in Auth DB.

Following the instructions here, I made this business eligible for dissolution and inserted in Stage 1 of Dissolution

Now, I ran the furnishings job to initiate the email for this job

 oc -n cc892f-dev debug cronjob/furnishings-dev

The email is triggered:

Screenshot 2024-08-19 at 11.42.25 AM.png image.png