bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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UI Design - Location of Continuation In and Omit Table #22521

Open mstanton1 opened 1 month ago

mstanton1 commented 1 month ago

The Continuation In and Omit table are both BC Registries functionality specific to entities so should not be hosted in auth. Discussions took place in PO Sync which suggested this best fits within 'My Staff Business Registry'.


In other discussions, it was suggested that the staff approvals might be on their own page (in the Entities Repo) that is accessed through a link in the Auth Staff Dashboard. Perhaps the link could even live in the Entities 'My Staff Business Registry'.

Design team review is needed to determine the approach and produce wireframes. If multiple approaches are considered, as above, it may be worthwhile to produce lo-fidelity wireframes for each of the flows so we can present those to staff and others in the Design PO sync along with a recommendation.

mstanton1 commented 5 days ago

@J-Baese can you add in a link to the wireframe for the tiles that would be used? I'd like to tag other PO's to make sure they've seen that visual and are in agreement with the design plan:) I can also get an idea of timelines for them doing the work as we will hold off until closer to launch.