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SPIKE - [Provisional Approval] - Not PR Exempt - BC Services Card Account - Address Verification #22559

Closed mbertucci closed 2 months ago

mbertucci commented 2 months ago

Use BC Services Card address instead of SBC Connect Account.

We cannot use BC Services Card address at this time for the automatic verification logic. We currently use SBC Connect Account address BUT an applicant can change their address in SBC Connect account and pass the automatic Principal Residence Verification (listed in the story below)

📖 User Story

As team lead if the property has been flagged as Not PR Exempt then I want the system to verify the address of the STR is the same as the address in BC Services Card.


Currently the address verification is comparing rental unit address to the mailing address in the SBC Connect account and we want it to come from Service BC Card Account. Specifically because the address from Service BC Card Account is more reliable than the SBC Connect Account address.
Industrio tried to solve this for us but was not able to do so due to permission issue.

SPIKE: is it possible to pull the address from Service BC Account and use that for our autoapproval logic.

Logic is in another ticket. Summary of that logic is that if their short term rental address is the same as what is on their Service BC Address then there is a high likelihood that the short term rental is in their principal residence

After the application has been run the automatic approval process and is flagged as "Not PR Exempt"

Working under the assumption - address on the BCSC Account has been validated. - Mikaela to confirm

📏 Business Rules

🎭 Story Scenarios

Scenario 1: Cross Check address on the application with the address on BC Services Card Account Given the application was flagged with "Not PR Exempt" Then the system checks to see if the address on the application is the same address as on the BC Services Card

And if there is a match the system will flag the application as "Passed PR BC Services Card Account Address Check" And if it system does not match then the application is flagged as "Did Not Pass PR BC Services Card Account Address Check"

Scenario 2: Application Flagged as "Did Not Pass PR BC Services Card Account Address Check" Given the application is flagged as "Did Not Pass PR BC Services Card Account Address Check" Then the system will change the status to "Full Review"

Scenario 3: If system doesn't have BC Services Card Account Information (?) Given the application was flagged with "Not PR Exempt" Then the system checks to see if the address on the application is the same address as on the BC Services Card Account And if the check fails Then the status is "Full Review" and flag "BC Services Card Account - Address Verification Look Up Failed" And flagged as "Full Review"

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## 🌍 Global Scenarios ## Data Validation # Mikaela to confirm: Do we need to do these for MVP - data validation required for inputing data in the right format - as defined by business rules. ### Internet Connection #### Standard Internet Connection Given I am accessing the website from a standard internet connection When I navigate to any page on the site Then the page should load completely within 2 seconds, ensuring a fast and efficient user experience. #### Low-Speed Internet Given a user accesses "Application Details View" with a low-speed internet connection defined as under [specific speed] Mbps When the user attempts to load and interact with the dashboard page Then the "Application Details View" should prioritize critical content and functionality, loading essential elements first to ensure usability. #### Mobile Responsiveness Given I am accessing "Application Details View" on a mobile device When I click on the "any" link Then "_____ " should display correctly and be easily editable on my device, ensuring a responsive design.
mbertucci commented 2 months ago

This needs to be fixed. We want the address to come from the BC Services Card Account not SBC Connect.

thorwolpert commented 2 months ago

There are no permission errors, it is probably more an issue of not knowing the OpenID Standards. OIDC claims are delivered upon the user approving the connection. You can see this when you use BCSC to log into a service, it ask you to approve the data that you'll share with the requester.

To do that you would need to implement a different IDP connection to BCSC to have that data as part of your login request.

For the common platform, we don't collect this from the BCSC as it is considered PII due to the collection process.

mbertucci commented 2 months ago

Thank you Thor. My interpretation of your comment is that it is possible to do. The team will need to implement a different IDP connection to BCSC. Correct?

thorwolpert commented 2 months ago

You can ask the connect team for that. It'll be easier than implementing your own connection, approvals, MOU, etc. Maybe coordinate with BTR, as I believe they will also need that, but might not be until after January for them

jdyck-fw commented 2 months ago

We have some discovery work to do to determine if this is possible. Is there an API we can pull from?

We need to learn the best way to pull the address from the services account.

Likely worth discussing this with John and BTR team.

@mbertucci pls review and see about getting clear on what's possible before tech handoff. Consider Lekshmi, Thor, John, Travis. Then BTR after.

mbertucci commented 2 months ago

Sal engaged in Conversations occurring regarding using address for our system. We've been asked to hold off on these types of conversations with IDIMs BC Service Card team

mbertucci commented 2 months ago

now with me to talk about in PO Sync using Stripe instead of BC Services Card

mbertucci commented 2 months ago

@thorwolpert It's not so much that we want to verify their legal identity.

We want to use the address from BC Services card to run automations. The theory is if their identification address is the same address as the short term rental then the short term rental is likely located in their principal residence.

If you can think of another way to do this that would be great.

We tried to see if we can use Home Owner Grant data but we were denied. Housing also went down this path as well.

mbertucci commented 2 months ago

Closing SPIKE as we cannot pull address from BC Services Card at this time. Need to find another way to verify Principal Residence