bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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UI - Fee Amount - new fee amounts - only on Review and Confirm Page #23623

Open mbertucci opened 1 month ago

mbertucci commented 1 month ago

πŸ“– User Story As an examiner, I want host to pay the correct payment amount based on their type of space for the rental unit, whether it's their principal residence or not and number of rooms for rent So that I can collect the correct amount of application fee

Context: For host applications, the fee amount is determined by the type of space for the rental unit, whether it's their principal residence or not and number of rooms for rent.

ONLY show fee amount on the Review and Submit page. Keep widget on each page as dashes.


🎨 UX/UI Link:

πŸ“ Business Rules:

Fee Structure for Host:

🎭 Story Scenarios Scenario 1: Host on application form
Given the Host is on Property Details page When the host indicates their type of space and whether unit is their PR Then the host can view the application fee on the fee widget that is shown on each of the application pages (top right) AND Then the host can view this information throughout the application AND Then the host can make a payment with that fee amount plus service see of $1.5

Scenario 2: Receipt Given the Host has selected their type of space and whether unit is their PR navigated away from the Property Details page And the fee amount has been shown for the property type they selected When the host navigates back to the Property Details page and changes their type of space and whether unit is their PR from the drop down Then the fee amount shown in the widget and applied to the application should be updated to reflect the fee amount for the new selection

Scenario 3: Host changes their type of space and whether unit is their PR Given the Host has completed the application and payment successfully When the host or examiner is on Application details page Then the host or examiner can view the application fee amount on the payment receipt

mbertucci commented 1 month ago

is bedrooms included in this? @mbertucci

jdyck-fw commented 3 weeks ago

Don't show the amount until last page, and sum it up there.

Logic is updated in the api.

Must ensure there's a delay between api calls

jdyck-fw commented 3 weeks ago

On step 2 we know what the fees will be based on the selection, we don't show them until step 5 though.