bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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Namerequest UI: should not be able to create CHG NR to numbered company #23882

Open severinbeauvais opened 1 month ago

severinbeauvais commented 1 month ago

The company type prompt, below, should be hidden for name change NRs.

severinbeauvais commented 1 month ago

Currently, if you select Numbered Company, you get this:


~Clicking "Change Name Now" takes you to the entity dashboard. Now, you can start an alteration and, presumably, change your name... except you can't -- the only option for changing the name is to use a NR:~


~So the current behaviour isn't exactly broken, but it's definitely misleading, and maybe even confusing. I think we should proceed to remove the "Numbered Company" option from Namerequest UI so we don't lead users down a dead end.~

Update: see comment below

severinbeauvais commented 2 weeks ago

It's not as simple as my comment above...

It's true that, for a numbered company, the only way to change the name is to use a NR.

However, for a named company, you have two options:


So, the path from Namerequest UI -> change name -> select Numbered Company -> Change Name Now, is valid for named companies.

Do we want Namerequest UI to figure out if the current company is named or numbered, and only offer up the correct options? That might be overkill. If we don't do this then some numbered companies might go through the flow and find out they actually need a NR (they should have selected Named Company instead of Numbered Company). This is probably not terrible.

@ozamani9gh @OlgaPotiagalova For your consideration.

severinbeauvais commented 3 days ago

Blocked while awaiting PO decision.