Open ozamani9gh opened 1 month ago
from @droberts27 :
This is the query we need to implement. two of them, one with CR and one with FR:
Hi Omid – Here is the SQL for the Corporations batch job. For the Firms batch job change entity_type from CR to FR.
select rpad ( 'BC9' ||substr(r.NR_NUM,4,6) -- missing the last digit ||'0' ||to_char(r.last_update at time zone 'America/Vancouver','yyyymmdd') -- request date ||'NR' ||substr(r.entity_type_cd,1,1) -- C are Corporations F are Firms ||initcap(substr(n.state,1,3)) -- name state ||to_char(e.event_dt at time zone 'America/Vancouver','yyyymmdd') -- name date ||rpad(coalesce(,' '),40) ||'BC' ||n.NAME ,528 ) from requests r ,names n ,applicants a ,events e where =n.nr_id and n.nr_id=a.nr_id and n.nr_id=e.nr_id and e.event_dt=(select max(e2.event_dt) from events e2 where e2.nr_id=n.nr_id) and r.entity_type_cd='CR' -- CR are Corporations FR are Firms and r.state_cd in ('APPROVED','CONDITIONAL','DRAFT','COMPLETED','INPROGRESS') and n.state in ('APPROVED','CONDITION')
After comparing the two result sets in Oracle and PostgreSQL, the following mismatches were found:
I would like to make the query like the following since if the name state is 'APPROVED'/'CONDITION' the nr state is 'APPROVED'/'CONDITIONAL'. Also, according to request_type table in oracle, there are mappings for request type to class type 'CORP'/'FIRM'. I've include the mapping in the code.
select DISTINCT ON (r.nr_num)
to_char(r.last_update at time zone 'America/Vancouver', 'YYYYMMDD') last_update,
to_char(e.event_dt at time zone 'America/Vancouver', 'YYYYMMDD') event_dt,,
from requests r, events e, names n, applicants a
where = e.nr_id
and = n.nr_id
and a.nr_id =
and r.state_cd in ('APPROVED', 'CONDITIONAL')
and r.expiration_date::date > CURRENT_DATE
and n.corp_num is null
and n.state in ('APPROVED', 'CONDITION')
and e.action = 'patch' and e.state_cd in ('APPROVED', 'CONDITIONAL')
r.nr_num, e.event_dt DESC
@droberts27 I got questions:
We need 2 separate files
Timing Filename Type 1am tue to sat bccn_mr_yyyymmdd_nnnn_reserved corp NR 1am tue to sat bcbn_mr_yyyymmdd_nnnn_reserved firm NR
yyyymmdd is the current date nnnn is the row count
Siddharth and Stephen Chen (back on Monday) know how to copy from openshift to pimento.bcgov. The file will go in the home directory for bcrsmgr /export/home/bcrsmgr. Let me know and I will write the code to read it from there and sftp it to NUANS.
@ozamani9gh @eve-git In order to make sftp work, a pair of private key and public key needs to be generated so these keys will be used for communication between server (openshift) and and Pimento (the server the file will be sent to). The keys will be in the config file.
@ozamani9gh Testing is currently blocked due to a Pimento SFTP connection failure. Should we place the ticket on hold, or can someone be contacted to resolve the connection issue?
Connectivity from Openshift to pimento already exists. We sftp data from LEAR to pimento for ICBC and NUANS:
I tested it locally, and it passed without errors. However, it appears to have transferred historical data as well (all files in the folder). @stevenc987 Should we remove the files generated on the day after the file transfer?
2024-11-14 15:59:05,314 - paramiko.transport.sftp - DEBUG in - _log: [chan 0] stat(b'bccn_mr_20241113_4668_reserved.gz')
2024-11-14 15:59:05,345 - root - INFO in - process_ftp: SFTP to NUANS completed for file: /home/evedeng/projects/namex/jobs/sftp-nuans-report/data/bccn_mr_20241113_4668_reserved.gz
2024-11-14 15:59:05,345 - paramiko.transport.sftp - DEBUG in - _log: [chan 0] open(b'bccn_mr_20241114_4606_reserved.gz', 'wb')
2024-11-14 15:59:05,373 - paramiko.transport.sftp - DEBUG in - _log: [chan 0] open(b'bccn_mr_20241114_4606_reserved.gz', 'wb') -> 00000000
2024-11-14 15:59:05,374 - paramiko.transport.sftp - DEBUG in - _log: [chan 0] close(00000000)
2024-11-14 15:59:05,446 - paramiko.transport.sftp - DEBUG in - _log: [chan 0] stat(b'bccn_mr_20241114_4606_reserved.gz')
2024-11-14 15:59:05,475 - root - INFO in - process_ftp: SFTP to NUANS completed for file: /home/evedeng/projects/namex/jobs/sftp-nuans-report/data/bccn_mr_20241114_4606_reserved.gz
2024-11-14 15:59:05,475 - paramiko.transport.sftp - INFO in - _log: [chan 0] sftp session closed.
2024-11-14 15:59:05,475 - paramiko.transport - DEBUG in - _log: [chan 0] EOF sent (0)
2024-11-14 15:59:05,476 - root - INFO in - <module>: job - jupyter notebook report completed in: 0:00:10.254448
David approved that the data collected is good.
I don’t have a personal Pimento account to verify the transferred files on the server. Could someone assist with this?
Otherwise, I think it’s ready for deployment to PROD.
@eve-git @ozamani9gh You don't have to remove the files generated on the day after the file transfer because these files are generated in different jobs. I am ok to deploy it to Prod without deploying it on Devl and Test as long as you can make it work on prod.
Please find the attached files containing the testing details from David R. Could you let me know if the tests are sufficient? Additionally, please let me know if I can assist in any way.
There are two batch jobs that read the NAMESP database daily and send a file to NUANS. They are very similar, one for CORPs and one for FIRMs. These will have to be re-created to read the Postgres NAMEX database. They select approved names that are not consumed and not expired.
There is an existing batch job, created by Stephen Chen, that selects Sole Props and General Partnerships from LEAR and copies them to pimento where they are merged with other NUANS data and FTPed to NUANS.
Description Environment Timing Format Type Intermediary Step Final Recpients
NUANS OpenShift 2am tue to sat sftp SP/GP sftp to bcrsmgr@pimento/export/home/bcrsmgr/nuans_from_openshift.txt and ftped as a separate file NUANS FTP site
Select rpad('BC9'|| substr(r.NR_NUM,4,6) || -- missing the last digit '0'|| to_char(er.EVENT_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYYMMDD')|| substr(r.NR_NUM,1,2)|| substr(rt.CLASS_TYPE_CD,1,1)|| substr(nst.short_desc,1,3)|| to_char(en.EVENT_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYYMMDD')|| rpad(nvl(,' '),40)|| 'BC'|| ni.NAME,528) From Request R, Request_state RS, Request_instance RI, Request_party RP, Request_type RT, Name N, Name_state NS, Name_instance NI, Name_state_type NST, Event ER, Event EN, address@GLOBAL_READONLY.BCGOV A Where r.REQUEST_ID = rs.REQUEST_ID and rs.END_EVENT_ID is null and rs.STATE_TYPE_CD = 'COMPLETED' and rs.REQUEST_ID = ri.REQUEST_ID and ri.end_event_id is null and ri.REQUEST_TYPE_CD = rt.REQUEST_TYPE_CD and rs.REQUEST_ID = n.REQUEST_ID and n.NAME_ID = ns.NAME_ID and ns.END_EVENT_ID is null and ns.NAME_STATE_TYPE_CD in ('A','C') –- approved or conditionally approved and ns.NAME_STATE_TYPE_CD = nst.NAME_STATE_TYPE_CD and ns.NAME_ID = ni.NAME_ID and ni.end_event_id is null and ni.corp_num is null -- not consumed and rs.START_EVENT_ID = er.EVENT_ID and ns.START_EVENT_ID = en.EVENT_ID and r.REQUEST_ID = RI.REQUEST_ID and trunc(ri.EXPIRATION_DATE)>trunc(sysdate) –- not expired and rt.class_type_cd = 'FIRM' and rp.request_id = r.request_id and rp.address_id=a.addr_id and rp.end_event_id is null and n.NAME_ID = ns.NAME_ID and rp.REQUEST_ID = n.REQUEST_ID and rp.EMAIL_ADDRESS NOT LIKE '' and rp.EMAIL_ADDRESS <> '' and rp.party_id = (select max(party_id) from request_party where request_id=r.request_id and end_event_id is null)
Select rpad('BC9'|| substr(r.NR_NUM,4,6) || -- missing the last digit '0'|| to_char(er.EVENT_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYYMMDD')|| substr(r.NR_NUM,1,2)|| substr(rt.CLASS_TYPE_CD,1,1)|| substr(nst.short_desc,1,3)|| to_char(en.EVENT_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYYMMDD')|| rpad(nvl(,' '),40)|| 'BC'|| ni.NAME,528) From Request R, Request_state RS, Request_instance RI, Request_party RP, Request_type RT, Name N, Name_state NS, Name_instance NI, Name_state_type NST, Event ER, Event EN, address@GLOBAL_READONLY.BCGOV A Where r.REQUEST_ID = rs.REQUEST_ID and rs.END_EVENT_ID is null and rs.STATE_TYPE_CD = 'COMPLETED' and rs.REQUEST_ID = ri.REQUEST_ID and ri.end_event_id is null and ri.REQUEST_TYPE_CD = rt.REQUEST_TYPE_CD and rs.REQUEST_ID = n.REQUEST_ID and n.NAME_ID = ns.NAME_ID and ns.END_EVENT_ID is null and ns.NAME_STATE_TYPE_CD in ('A','C') –- approved or conditionally approved and ns.NAME_STATE_TYPE_CD = nst.NAME_STATE_TYPE_CD and ns.NAME_ID = ni.NAME_ID and ni.end_event_id is null and ni.corp_num is null -- not consumed and rs.START_EVENT_ID = er.EVENT_ID and ns.START_EVENT_ID = en.EVENT_ID and r.REQUEST_ID = RI.REQUEST_ID and trunc(ri.EXPIRATION_DATE)>trunc(sysdate) –- not expired and rt.class_type_cd = 'CORP' and rp.request_id = r.request_id and rp.address_id=a.addr_id and rp.end_event_id is null and n.NAME_ID = ns.NAME_ID and rp.REQUEST_ID = n.REQUEST_ID and rp.EMAIL_ADDRESS NOT LIKE '' and rp.EMAIL_ADDRESS <> '' and rp.party_id = (select max(party_id) from request_party where request_id=r.request_id and end_event_id is null)
David Roberts Senior Database Administrator – BC Registries and Online Services Service BC Ministry of Citizens’ Services T: 778-698-1403 | Web: “Access to government services made easy”