• Description: Missing HSTS and X-Content-Type-Options headers could expose the application to man-in-the-middle attacks and content injection. Additionally, an outdated JavaScript library (Bootstrap) has known vulnerabilities.
• Locations and Alerts:
o https://api.iconify.design:
• Notes from Report: The lack of HSTS headers allows HTTP connections, which are vulnerable to interception. Missing X-Content-Type-Options headers allow MIME-type sniffing. Additionally, Bootstrap 3.4.1 has security vulnerabilities that could be exploited.
Potential Fix
Add HSTS Header: Set Strict-Transport-Security with max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains to enforce HTTPS-only connections.
Set X-Content-Type-Options Header: Add X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff to prevent MIME-type sniffing.
Update JavaScript Library: Upgrade Bootstrap to the latest secure version to address known vulnerabilities.
Potential Spike to Investigate
Check for HSTS and Content-Type Headers: In the browser’s network tools, load resources from https://api.iconify.design and inspect headers to confirm if Strict-Transport-Security and X-Content-Type-Options headers are present.
Verify Bootstrap Version: Locate the Bootstrap files on https://idtest.gov.bc.ca and check the version in the file headers or within package.json or similar dependency files if available. Confirm if it’s 3.4.1 and review release notes for any known vulnerabilities in this version.
• Description: Missing HSTS and X-Content-Type-Options headers could expose the application to man-in-the-middle attacks and content injection. Additionally, an outdated JavaScript library (Bootstrap) has known vulnerabilities. • Locations and Alerts: o https://api.iconify.design:
o https://idtest.gov.bc.ca:
• Notes from Report: The lack of HSTS headers allows HTTP connections, which are vulnerable to interception. Missing X-Content-Type-Options headers allow MIME-type sniffing. Additionally, Bootstrap 3.4.1 has security vulnerabilities that could be exploited. Potential Fix
Potential Spike to Investigate