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Update design & add new content to COD output #4230

Closed lmcclung closed 3 years ago

lmcclung commented 4 years ago

Description Same as co-op, except coops did not collect director mailing addresses, so we need to add that Also update the template to Tracey's new design

Tracey said "Scott said we need to just add the "new" badge to only the address that has been changed (see #4408). In the meantime, I guess we'll just have to include the "new" badge on both addresses until this is fixed."

COD Output requirements


severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

(old attachments deleted)

lmcclung commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais @forgeuxGH5 they look really good. One thing to change is to remove the leading zero if the day is only one digit (July 4, 2020 not July 04, 2020) as per the design. I'm not enamoured with the yellow "new" flags. They standout and seem ugly to me. Maybe blue would be better? Just my opinion. Will see what others think. I sent it to the business for their thoughts.

tlebedovich commented 3 years ago

@lmcclung @forgeuxGH5 @severinbeauvais - I just tagged you on Invision with some design/colour options for the "NEW" tag for you to review (using the Address change layout as the example).

tlebedovich commented 3 years ago

@lmcclung @forgeuxGH5 (c/cing @severinbeauvais) - I just had a look at the outputs for Director Change. They are looking good. I have some minor design feedback items to add to the discussion. Please review and let Severin know which to proceed with. I haven't seen the Address Change output, but I assume it would need most of these same revisions.

Design feedback:

see marked up comp attached below for reference

1) The "New" badge may need to be on its own line underneath the Director's names (as per the design comps) in case the Director's names are longer and need more space? I have sent Linda some new look & feel options.

2) I think we should have a little more breathing space above and below the thin gray divider lines between each director (match to design comp).

3) We need a little more breathing space between the blue header bar and the first item on the top area of the page on all pages (except page 1). The space between the light blue header bar area and "New Directors Appointed or Elected" looks good on page 1, so let's match that same breathing space on the tops of all subsequent pages after page 1 (the space between the blue bars and the first content item).

4) We need to set a gutter width between columns so the column content doesn't run so close into each other. I'd do a minimum of 20px gutters between columns.

5) We should try an example Director name and one sample address that doesn't fit onto the one line and see how that can be treated.

6) Can the Postal Code and Canada be on one address line (like in the comp), and have the city name and "BC" on its own line to accommodate longer city names?

7) Can we turn off the extra tags "Eileen mailing address" and "Eileen delivery address" on the last address text lines? I don't feel these are needed.

8) Can we force all Director Names be Title Case instead of some of them appearing as all caps?

9) The "(Formerly BEAUVAIS, WAFFLES)" - should be 1px size smaller than the body copy, italics and name should be in Title Case in stead of all caps

10) The info on the Page one top header banner is missing the "Recognition Date and Time"

11) Footer is missing Filing and Inc numbers

12) For the "All Directors as of July 2, 2020" -- please don't put the date in all caps, and remove the "zero" from July 2.


Thank you!

forgeuxGH5 commented 3 years ago

I sent Severin a marked-up pdf with comments - should I start a Rocket Chat thread like we did for the IA outputs? There could be a fair bit of back and forth better suited to RC.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

I pulled this back to In Progress to handle the updated requirements.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Estimate updated to handle late requirement changes.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Latest Updates to New IA/COA/COD Outputs

  1. make address order consistent between outputs -- FIXED

    • Mailing Address first; Delivery Address second
    • IA, BC COA, BC COD only
  2. increase header font sizes -- NO, USE SAME AS APPROVED IA OUTPUT

  3. change address effective time to 12:01 AM -- SEE NEW TICKET #4444

    • for now, temporarily override in report code (done)
  4. increase header block label column width to prevent wrapping -- FIXED

    • IA, BC COA, BC COD only
  5. "NEW" badge should be all-caps -- FIXED

    • also, colours should be #313132 on #E2E7ED
    • applies to all outputs (incl prev CP outputs)
  6. addresses should have postal code on line 3 with country -- NO, EXISTING IS PER CANADA POST RECOMMENDATIONS

  7. certification block should reference "Cooperative" or "BC Benefit Company" -- FIXED

  8. increase footer logo size (left side) -- NO, USE SAME AS APPROVED IA OUTPUT

  9. missing Filing Number and Incorporation Number in footer (right side) -- SEE # 23 BELOW

  10. remove leading 0 from day numbers [Lekshmi] -- FIXED

  11. all directors as-of date should not be all-caps -- FIXED

  12. header block missing "Recognition Date and time" -- NO, ONLY APPLIES TO IA AND NOA OUTPUT

  13. why are some directors all caps instead of title case? -- SEE NEW TICKET #4434

  14. turn off last line of addresses -- FIXED

    • no, these are the delivery instructions
    • see new design (italics, 1px smaller font, whitespace)
    • also clamp to 2 lines max (NB: max is 80 chars anyway)
    • IA, BC COA, BC COD only
  15. "formerly" text should be 1px smaller -- FIXED

    • also include new italics font
    • also should be title case, not all caps - see # 13
  16. increase gutter (20px?) between director name, mailing address and delivery address -- OK FOR NOW

  17. increase whitespace below header on additional pages (same as page 1) -- FIXED

  18. move NEW label below director names -- FIXED

  19. increase whitespace between director separators -- FIXED

  20. test a long director name to verify wrapping -- FIXED

  21. test a long address to verify wrapping (including long delivery instructions) -- FIXED

  22. can directors.html be common? -- NO, THEY ARE DIFFERENT

    • see incorporationApplication.html
  23. add filing-identifier block to Director Change header -- FIXED

    • needed for footer data
severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

My Updated Test Results

(After resolving all comments above)

Sample IA: (see updated doc below)

Sample IA Notice of Articles:

Sample IA Certificate (unchanged):

Sample BC Director Change:

Sample BC Director Change - Notice of Articles:

Sample BC Address Change:

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Estimate updated to time actually taken (due to many design reviews and additional comments).

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

The above changes have been verified via RocketChat by @tlebedovich ... And can be verified again using the updated attachments above.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Two more changes requested from Scott & Tracey:

1) We'd like to eliminate the use of the hyphens on partial words throughout (for delivery instructions, names etc. Instead of using hyphens we 'd like to break the line(s) at the end of the last whole word.

2) The BC Logo in the top headers looks like it is being stretched/distorted vertically by about 5-10%. Please fix so the proportions are correct. Here is an overlay of the logo artwork from the design versus the logo in the outputs:

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

OK, here's my final (hopefully) update.

Here's the IA output with no hyphenation on broken lines (in tables, eg, names and addresses) and an updated logo:

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

This is not only deployed to Dev, but also to Test and possibly Prod now.

I had a quick look over some outputs in Test and they look OK. (The only thing I saw is a bit of whitespace between the header and business details.)

tlebedovich commented 3 years ago

Hi @severinbeauvais Can you post a new test link with the whitespace in header fixed? Otherwise things look good from my design point of view, thank you.

And were there final output links for the Director & Address change outputs as well?

c/c @forgeuxGH5

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

The following outputs are to show the header whitespace fix (and other general layout). These may not contain all possible variations of name length, address length, changes, etc.

Sample Director Change:

Sample Incorporation Application:

Sample Notice of Articles:

Sample Address Change:

tlebedovich commented 3 years ago

Also - @severinbeauvais @forgeuxGH5 I would assume we need to launch with the ability to have a minimum number of decimal points to be able to include cents included with par value (as per original Invision design). Is that functionality built in there but just not shown in the layout? I'll review the "worse case scenerio" max numbers/names for the Share Structure design with Scott on Tuesday.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

@tlebedovich As discussed previously, there is another ticket to update the number of decimal points (#3837).

THIS ticket is for the updated design and new content for the Director Change outputs (and I also did common layout/styling updates to the other outputs).

Further changes are not in scope for this ticket. We can create new tickets if needed.