Affiliation info (Account Name or BCOL account Number):Company email (mandatory):
Company phone (optional): 778-861-6576
Filing date: when filed
Effective date: when filed
Certified By: Registry Staff
~Name Request Number~
~Phone or email used to request the name: ~
Receipt info:
Method (Routing slip or BCOL): Routing slip
BCOL Account number or routing slip #: 206306961
~Folio (optional):~
Amount: $100.00
[x] BAs to confirm that the alteration form has been filled correctly
[x] BAs to tell the devs its ready to be worked on
[x] Devs to confirm that the account can be found (SBC Account: __ )
[x] Devs to run the Jupyter notebook
[x] Devs complete backend work, and tell the BAs it's ready to be reviewed
[ ] ~Devs validate that the Notice of Alteration was emailed to the company email on file - can we suppress this for now as it still has the benefit statement?~
[x] BAs to confirm work has been done correctly by checking SOFI to see ledger and company summary
[x] BAs to confirm Orgbook BC has correct entity type - INC0062247 opened as not displaying
[x] Linda or corps staff to file a no fee change of director in SOFI with minor tweak to address so that a new Notice of Articles is issued from Jasper which does not have the benefit statement
[x] Linda or corps staff to create password under "Your Profile" in SOFI Corporate filings tab
[x] BAs to respond to IT Ops email, and copy registries inbox (, and whomever raised the ticket
What is being altered
Data from staff
Affiliation info (Account Name or BCOL account Number): Company email (mandatory): Company phone (optional): 778-861-6576 Filing date: when filed Effective date: when filed Certified By: Registry Staff
~Name Request Number~ ~Phone or email used to request the name: ~
Receipt info:
Method (Routing slip or BCOL): Routing slip BCOL Account number or routing slip #: 206306961 ~BCOL DAT (if BCOL):~ ~Folio (optional):~ Amount: $100.00