bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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Generate Email to CAS/IT Ops when Refund is requested through Names #5301

Closed mstanton1 closed 4 years ago

mstanton1 commented 4 years ago

Description: Generate an email to CAS and IT Ops when a refund is requested through names. A client will be provided a Refund button as an option in the app, when the refund is allowed (NR is in draft and work on it has not begun).

Include the following:

To:, Subject: Refund Request for NR XXXXXXX

Body: Please complete a refund for the following transaction: Order Number: Transaction Date & Time: Transaction Amount: Transaction ID:

Acceptance for a Task:

mstanton1 commented 4 years ago

Options for discussion in grooming:

  1. Generate this email by Pay API
  2. Expose the details for this email by Pay API
mstanton1 commented 4 years ago

Decision to go with option 1 and have Relationships generate automatic email. This will prevent architectural changes when automated refunds are completed.

@Kaineatthelab we will be grooming this Tuesday.

Kaineatthelab commented 4 years ago

thanks @mstanton1 this should include the email to ITOPs with the same info I think?

mstanton1 commented 4 years ago

@Kaineatthelab thank you. It was included in the requirements piece below but missing in the titles. I've updated them:)

Kaineatthelab commented 4 years ago

thanks @mstanton1

severinbeauvais commented 4 years ago

Here's an example of a Lear email template (in this case for a Benefit Company Change Of Address Filing). There's a processor a couple of folders up that puts together the data + template and calls Jinja to render it (search for process).

You can ask me or Kial if you have questions.

sumesh-aot commented 4 years ago

Sample queue message

'specversion': '1.x-wip',
'type': 'bc.registry.payment.refundRequest',
'source': '',
'id': '123',
'datacontenttype': 'application/json',
'data': {
   'identifier':'NR 123456789',
   'orderNumber' : '1',
   'transactionDateTime' : '2020-12-12 14:10:20',
   'transactionAmount' : 50.00,
   'transactionId' : 'REG1234'
lmullane commented 4 years ago

@sumesh-aot or @saravanpa-aot, could you please review the PR for this ticket.

Milan-Freshworks commented 4 years ago

@nitheesh-aot @sutherlanda

  1. There is no space between 'Date & Time'
  2. Business Dashboard does not have a hyperlink attached to it, expected?
  3. There is no salutation in the email -> Could we confirm if need anything in the email template to address this.

Screen Shot 2020-11-24 at 2.32.35 PM.png

Milan-Freshworks commented 4 years ago

It has been tested and verified with the existing email template.