GIVEN a client has logged on to Name Request ( with an account that is either pending affidavit approval or in the PAD confirmation period
WHEN they log on to Name Request
THEN they are advised that their account is being approved and they may complete the name request as an anonymous credit card user if they wish.
Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)
Do you know a possible contact person to reach out (from the other team)?
On hold until after Jan 17th release. @saravanpa-aot and @sumesh-aot to assist in confirming what is needed (redirect using button uses common components) at this time.
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: Authenticated user is pending affidavit approval or in the PAD confirmation period and selects 'Request a Name' from
Scenario 2: Authenticated user is pending affidavit approval or in the PAD confirmation period and logs in to
Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)
Validation Rules? (If yes, list here)
Design @xxx - please link the Design here
Link to DoR for a US/ Feature
Link to the DoD for a US/ Feature