I want to enter my unit or branch during account setup UI
so that CFS settlement file points to a unique account in BCR
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: Enter my unit or branch during account setup UI
GIVEN the admin of a premium account is on part 2 of the account creation stepper
*WHEN they are on the UI to enter their account name
THEN there is an optional field to enter their unit or branch if the account name is unique
*AND it is a mandatory field if the account name is not unique for a linked BCOL account
Scenario 2: CFS party has the unit or branch info
GIVEN the admin of a premium account has entered their unit or branch in the account creation stepper
WHEN BCR creates an account in CFS
THEN the party name should include account name and the unit/branch
Scenario 3: xxxxxx
Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)
Do you know a possible contact person to reach out (from the other team)?
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: Enter my unit or branch during account setup UI
Scenario 2: CFS party has the unit or branch info
Scenario 3: xxxxxx ...
Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)
Validation Rules? (If yes, list here)
Design @xxx - please link the Design here
Link to DoR for a US/ Feature https://github.com/bcgov/entity/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/DoR%20-%20Relationships.md https://github.com/bcgov/entity/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/DoR%20-%20Entity.md
Link to the DoD for a US/ Feature https://github.com/bcgov/entity/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/DoD%20-%20Relationships.md https://github.com/bcgov/entity/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/DoD%20-%20Entity.md