Description: As per the FRCR reconciliation should take place to ensure "No Fee" transactions are being used in appropriate circumstances. A report must be generated every 90 days to list the transactions that took place in with no fee.
Report to Include:
Incorporation Number
Filing Type
Filing Date/Time
Staff User?
*Please confirm requirements of report with Cameron Wulff before beginning this task.
This would have been extremely useful a few months ago. We had a no fee role for some reason for an account that shouldn't of had it, moving this to grooming.
Probably could have saved a ton of money I believe.
Description: As per the FRCR reconciliation should take place to ensure "No Fee" transactions are being used in appropriate circumstances. A report must be generated every 90 days to list the transactions that took place in with no fee.
Report to Include: Incorporation Number Filing Type Filing Date/Time Staff User?
*Please confirm requirements of report with Cameron Wulff before beginning this task.
Acceptance for a Task: