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ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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Staff Alteration - UI DESIGN #6403

Open forgeuxGH5 opened 3 years ago

forgeuxGH5 commented 3 years ago

Staff can file an alteration for a company They need be able to: Enter client name as the certifying party and certify Enter either a court order number or a court order number and indicate a plan of arrangement Pay using the standard staff payment component


Review and Certify


Visual Design

Alteration Staff Review and Confirm Design Comps

tlebedovich commented 3 years ago

@forgeuxGH5 - See visual designs above for your review (Staff payment and Court Order)

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Hi. Could I get example of a future effective alteration, and a future effective pending alteration? Thx.

tlebedovich commented 3 years ago

Hi @severinbeauvais - Are you talking about the Staff Review & Certify page or Dashboard? I'm not working on the dashboard stuff so any Dashboard questions would go to Scott.

For the Review & Certify Page: I've added Comp "10c Staff Review Payment - Entered" to the link above that shows a future effective alteration date for the review and certify page - is this what you were looking for? I'm not familiar with the future effective "pending" alteration.

Once the date is selected, a confirmation message appears below. I also just bolded the intro copy where it mentions the additional fee and added .00 to the $100.00 as these have been issues in the past that have come up recently. Not so much for staff but its a shared component.

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 10 43 17 AM

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Thanks Tracey.

Could I please get an example for the Filing History List (aka ledger aka Entity Dashboard)?

tlebedovich commented 3 years ago

@forgeuxGH5 Can you please help Severin find what he needs for the Dashboard as mentioned above?

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Could you also update the Dashboard uxpin to show the different alteration filing subtitles?

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Sample... does this look OK?


severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

I found this uxpin, which looks more up to date:

Please update the links in the description, above, to prevent requirement conflicts and confusion. Thanks.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Note that there is a single "expand" action for items in the Filing History List, whereas the designs show both a Show Details button and a "View Draft Documents" / "View Documents" button.

Let me know if you really want two expansions (Vuetify doesn't support this but we can do it with v-if or v-show).

Also let me know if you want "View Draft Documents" button... should it be applied to future effective IAs too? (The design in this ticket is inconsistent with the existing implementation for FE IAs.)

forgeuxGH5 commented 3 years ago

Updated the uxpin links - I included the filing pending states. Note the FE and Filing pending states have our standard disabled states of other filings.

In your example above - will the "BC Limited Company to BC Benefit Company" fit on the same line as the "Alteration Notice" text. I get we could have longer entity names in which case we would wrap the text to a second line, but this would be less likely so in most case the text would be displayed on one line.

Updated uxpin to use "Pursuant to a Plan of Arrangement" to be consistent with Alteration UI instead of "Part of an arrangement"

forgeuxGH5 commented 3 years ago

Yeah - let's not revisit the two expansion issue here - just implement as for IA Draft Documents was a typo - fixed in wireframes

forgeuxGH5 commented 3 years ago

I'm also showing the future documents as disabled in the wireframes since that how they were in the IA wireframes - but I checked the IA implementation and this is not how it's implemented for the IA. I don't recall why is wasn't implemented as disabled in the IA but we should go with the current IA behaviour here too.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

I noticed a new date-time format (eg, "July 23, 2002 at 11:35 PM Pacific Time"). This is a new requirement that will add 1/2 day to the original task (#5110). If you still want this, please create a new ticket to implement it.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

In your example above - will the "BC Limited Company to BC Benefit Company" fit on the same line as the "Alteration Notice" text. I get we could have longer entity names in which case we would wrap the text to a second line, but this would be less likely so in most case the text would be displayed on one line.

Looks like we can go pretty narrow without wrapping...


But the wrapping doesn't look good - new ticket need to handle that if desired, please.

forgeuxGH5 commented 3 years ago

Is this "filed and pending (filed on 2021-02-08)" state in prod? The "filed on" date should be to the right of the PAID label and should have the "filed by" statement. I notice this filing state is "filed and pending" - if this label is in prod ignore the "filing pending" label in the wireframes - it looks the wireframes and implementation have deviated a fair bit

Agreed that wrapping doesn't look good but we are living with this in prod for the IA...

The filing title should be "Alteration - BC Limited Company to a BC Benefit Company" - add "BC" to Benefit Company (needs to be official entity type label)

Date format as implemented is OK

We need to overhaul this UI someday

Let me know if we need a quick call to discuss anything

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Is this "filed and pending (filed on 2021-02-08)" state in prod? The "filed on" date should be to the right of the PAID label and should have the "filed by" statement. I notice this filing state is "filed and pending" - if this label is in prod ignore the "filing pending" label in the wireframes - it looks the wireframes and implementation have deviated a fair bit

I ran this locally but I reused the existing "pending filing" component, so this is what is in Prod for pending filings.

Wider example: image

The filing title should be "Alteration - BC Limited Company to a BC Benefit Company" - add "BC" to Benefit Company (needs to be official entity type label)

I am following the corporate description given to me by Linda in a recent ticket.

    corpTypeCd: CorpTypeCd.BENEFIT_COMPANY,
    colinInd: true,
    corpClass: CorpClass.BC,
    shortDesc: 'BENEFIT COMPANY',
    fullDesc: 'Benefit Company',
    numberedDesc: 'Numbered Benefit Company'
forgeuxGH5 commented 3 years ago

Hmmm... then we're doing it wrong everywhere else... @lmcclung?

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Yes, since last release.

forgeuxGH5 commented 3 years ago

wait.. what?

lmcclung commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais my bad... I didn't notice when I exported the entity types from COLIN that BC was missing from Benefit Company. BC should be in front.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

^^ Easy fix but touches 2 or 3 projects. Maybe it can be done as part of #6650 ?

lmcclung commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais sounds good.

argush3 commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais @forgeuxGH5 I'm just reviewing this ticket as I was trying to figure out what exactly in this design ticket was blocking #6650. As of now, the current implementation in DEV looks like the screenshot below. Is there any design work that still needs to be worked on or can I move #6650 into UX Assurance?


severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Does a "Alteration - Change of Company Information" display correctly?

Does a Future Effective alteration filing display correctly?

argush3 commented 3 years ago

So a FED alteration filing looks this


And a "Alteration - Change of Company Information" where I changed name translation, register contact info and class structure looks like this. Are all the changes supposed to be summarized here? image.png

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago


@forgeuxGH5 @tlebedovich Do you see anything that isn't already done?

tlebedovich commented 3 years ago

For dashboard items, I defer to @forgeuxGH5 :)

forgeuxGH5 commented 3 years ago

This looks good to me design-wise but we should confirm the downloads (pdf) rules with @lmcclung.

We didn't spec out displaying all changes in an alteration - but that's a nice idea for a future version though.