bcgov / entity

ServiceBC Registry Team working on Legal Entities
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UI Update affiliation Modal #6888

Closed chandrasekhar786 closed 3 years ago

chandrasekhar786 commented 3 years ago


This ticket is to update the UI to include requirements specific to corporations. The validation would be different. Corporation have a password which user created in corporate online whereas Coop have a 9-digit passcode.

The modal needs to display the correct wording and eliminate the Coop 9 digit character limit.

FYI: corporate passwords:

  1. must be 8 to 15 characters long,
  2. must be alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9),
  3. are case sensitive (i.e. ABCDEF is not the same as abcdef)

This is relationships code, so relationships needs to review the PR (tag the person for PR and follow up)

Scott's Wireframe

jdyck-fw commented 3 years ago

@mstanton1 @amit4610 - Heads up that your team will be needed for PR and release on this one. This is also required for alterations release.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

@Sienna-Blumstengel @forgeuxGH5

Is there a mockup for this, given that sometimes we prompt for passcode, and sometimes it's called password?

Also, how can we tell if the user is trying to affiliate a corporation vs a Coop?

sienna-oldaccountdontuse commented 3 years ago

I can't remember what we decided, @forgeuxGH5 @Kaineatthelab @lmcclung ? I remember saying we didn't need much, did we decide if we wanted to change any UI elements?

@severinbeauvais we will be able to identify if they are affiliating a corp or a co-op by the prefix in the incorporation number. If BC0000000, it's a corp. if CP0000000, its co-op. Can we update the validation based on that?

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

The changes so far. Let me know if these are NOT okay:

Before entering business number: deleted - see new snips below

For a corporation: deleted - see new snips below

For a cooperative: deleted - see new snips below

Kaineatthelab commented 3 years ago

this is nice @severinbeauvais I think that part is good.

do we need to do anything with the "I lost or forgot my passcode"


@mstanton1 @lmcclung how are corps passwords recovered does the above link need to be udpated?

lmcclung commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais these designs look great.
One question... would I be right in assuming that with the first screen, as soon as they enter their number, then it changes to either your screen 2 or screen 3?
One request... could you change "Business Number" to "Incorporation Number"? our customers would see Business Number and immediately think of CRA.

@severinbeauvais could you update the "I lost or fogot my passcode" helptext? How much work would that be?

@Kaineatthelab @mstanton1 - FYI @forgeuxGH5 you okay with this text?

Need Assistance? If you have forgotten or lost your password, please visit and choose the option "Forgot Company Password" or contact us at:

Toll Free: 1-877-526-1526 Phone: 250 387-7848 Email: Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm PST

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Initial dialog:


Looks the same if the user enters a corporation number:


A few things automatically update if the user enters a cooperative number:


This, too, updates automatically:


severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago


If you have forgotten or lost your password, please visit and choose the option "Forgot Company Password" or contact us at:

What should this look like for cooperatives?

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Sample updated Need Assistance dialog:


lmcclung commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais The sample above for corporations looks great.

Coops one should remain the same as it was...

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

@lmcclung Do you want to update the help dialog text for NR affiliation? (I have to refactor this code anyway...)

Currently the link to help says, "I lost or forgot my Name Request (NR) Number", and the help dialog blurb says, "If you have not received your Access Letter from BC Registries, or have lost your Name Request (NR) Number, please contact us at:".

Do they actually receive an access letter?

sienna-oldaccountdontuse commented 3 years ago

Oh haha no we should update this.

Perhaps something like:

If you have forgotten for NR Number, or the phone number or email that you used to request the name, please contact us at: [update contact info to send to search? examiners? who?] @lmcclung ?

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Since I refactored some shared code, here are the "Add Name Request" dialogs:



(The old phone numbers are displayed above. I have since fixed this..)

sienna-oldaccountdontuse commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais Here is the correct contact info for the NR help:

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm Pacific Time

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

to: @Sienna-Blumstengel cc: @jyoti3286 @sumesh-aot

In the code, the existing phone numbers are named "tech support". Do they need to be retained for anything else in the BCROS pages, or can I replace them globally?

lmcclung commented 3 years ago


Text to use: If you have lost your receipt and name results email and need assistance finding your Name Request (NR) Number, please contact us at... (and then use phone infor Sienna provided).

The numbers Sienna provided are for the Maximus Tier 1 help desk - which supports names and coops/corps teams. They don't support BC Online (yet) or PPR/MHR. @jyoti3286 not sure how to answer Severin about replacing globally.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

The numbers Sienna provided are for the Maximus Tier 1 help desk - which supports names and coops/corps teams. They don't support BC Online (yet) or PPR/MHR. @jyoti3286 not sure how to answer Severin about replacing globally.

I can create new variables exclusively for corp/coop/nr help numbers.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

I found this "dialog" that also includes contact info. Please confirm that I should update this one similarly.


Update: I updated the phone numbers and email in the above dialog and that's it. There is currently no design on what the link to show the dialog should say, or the dialog text... will need a new ticket.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

~@lmcclung Do you want to expand this ticket to update the "Manage and Maintain Your Business" help link and dialog above, or do you want a separate ticket for that? The former makes sense to me as it's all the same/similar text.~

Update: Comment no longer valid. See other comments below.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

@forgeuxGH5 @Sienna-Blumstengel This is probably another discussion (and ticket), but what should the menus and dialogs display to a user wanting to alter their business to a Benefit Company?

Currently, on the Manage Businesses dashboard, there is a button to "Add an Existing...". Clicking this opens a menu with an option for "Business". Selecting this opens the Add an Existing Business dialog. There is nothing on this dialog indicating that this can be used to alter a business. This might cause some users to affiliate a business they don't mean to (or that cannot be) converted, and which will lock the business in COLIN.

sienna-oldaccountdontuse commented 3 years ago

I think @trishreimer might be the best person to speak to the above contact info - i think that still is account related and will stay the same.

Regarding the UI, I think Scott is working on the UI in the modal right now, but maybe not on the manage business page.. @forgeuxGH5 FYI

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Based on the above conversations, I am adding the following requirements to this ticket:

Another ticket will be required for higher-level "how to alter" flows, as that design is apparently still in progress.

lmcclung commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais - in our design meeting this morning we created post MVP ticket #7050 for the manage business dashboard messaging -

We also found Scott's original design for the affiliation modal, which is different from the work you did. Let's stick with your work. Scott's original designs were here (keeping them in this comment for future reference; taking them out of the description to avoid confusion)

Scott's Wireframe

lmcclung commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais in grooming today we talked about the validation - right now you have it checking if the incorporation number starts with CP. If it doesn't, then you display the corp modal. You said it doesn't check entity type (LTD, ULC, etc.). And upon affiliation we're kicking off the process to freeze entity in COLIN and call github API to open ticket for devs to bring over history and insert draft alteration on entity dashboard..

So here's some rambling thoughts I'd like your opinion on...

Just thought about scenarios where there is a benefit company and the company needs to be transferred from one Registries account to another. If the new account affiliates the existing benefit company, this would kick off the alteration process which isn't necessary. Actually, they wouldn't be able to affiliate unless we create a passcode for them. Relationships is also building some functionality eventually for an account to give access to another account. so maybe we make do with what we have?

At some point we're going to need to prevent affiliation of entities that have no business being on business registry app at this time (extraprovincial companies have passwords, or CCCs which can't convert to Benefit company). Maybe we just need to make it clear in the githb ticket to confirm entity type is LTD or ULC, rather than you building some validation in the affiliate piece? Or is it easy for you to do here?

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

@severinbeauvais in grooming today we talked about the validation - right now you have it checking if the incorporation number starts with CP. If it doesn't, then you display the corp modal. You said it doesn't check entity type (LTD, ULC, etc.).


And upon affiliation we're kicking off the process to freeze entity in COLIN and call github API to open ticket for devs to bring over history and insert draft alteration on entity dashboard..

Yes. I assume this fails if the code that freezes the entity doesn't match one of the required types (LTD etc) but (a) I'm not certain about this, and (b) I'm not sure what error will be returned/displayed to the user or whether it makes sense.

Just thought about scenarios where there is a benefit company and the company needs to be transferred from one Registries account to another. If the new account affiliates the existing benefit company, this would kick off the alteration process which isn't necessary. Actually, they wouldn't be able to affiliate unless we create a passcode for them. Relationships is also building some functionality eventually for an account to give access to another account. so maybe we make do with what we have?

Without more visibility into what we have, status quo seems reasonable.

On the off chance a business gets frozen incorrectly, it will be an Ops process to fix, hopefully with little harm done.

At some point we're going to need to prevent affiliation of entities that have no business being on business registry app at this time (extraprovincial companies have passwords, or CCCs which can't convert to Benefit company). Maybe we just need to make it clear in the githb ticket to confirm entity type is LTD or ULC, rather than you building some validation in the affiliate piece? Or is it easy for you to do here?

The UI cannot validate entity type because it doesn't know it. This check could be added, either in the UI (with a call to the API to look it up) or in the API (with a new response code for invalid type so that the UI could display something appropriate).

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Test Notes:

Please verify the following:

  1. Manage Businesses page -> Add an Existing... -> Business -> modal
    • for a non-CP incorporation number, all items refer to "password" not passcode
    • for a CPxxx, all items refer to "passcode" not password
    • verify password/passcode max length
    • verify passcode validation (exactly 9 digits)
    • verify password validation (8 to 15 characters a-z, A-Z or 0-9)
    • verify successful Add
  2. Manage Businesses page -> Add an Existing... -> Business -> I lost or forgot my password -> modal
    • verify text for password
    • verify COLIN link
    • verify new phone numbers
    • verify updated email address
    • verify hours of operation
  3. Manage Businesses page -> Add an Existing... -> Business -> I lost or forgot my passcode -> modal
    • verify text for passcode
    • verify new phone numbers
    • verify updated email address
    • verify hours of operation
  4. Manage Businesses page -> Add an Existing... -> Name Request -> modal
    • verify text
    • verify phone number validation (up to 12 characters)
    • verify successful Add
  5. Manage Businesses page -> Add an Existing... -> Name Request -> I lost or forgot my Name Request (NR) Number -> modal
    • verify text
    • verify new phone numbers
    • verify updated email address
    • verify hours of operation
  6. Contact Us (footer)
    • verify labels and values for phone numbers, email and hours of operation
  7. How does it work? -> Maintain Your Business -> Contact Us (when not logged in)
    • verify new phone numbers
    • verify updated email address
    • verify hours of operation
severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

@tlebedovich This is now deployed to Dev and ready for UX review.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Per standup discussion, Linda is happy with what has been implemented, so I'm moving this along to RFQA.

severinbeauvais commented 3 years ago

Per discussion with Linda, this change is no longer required in the process for a business to alter themselves to a Benefit Company (which is now a staff/ops manual process).

However, this change (ie, to allow a non-coop business to affiliate to their account) can/should remain in the current code: