I want to generate templated Acknowledgement letters
so that I can send consistent correspondence to the applicant with minimal manual effort
Assumptions & Scope
Applicant has a valid email address
What is in and not in scope?
In scope: document generator
Not in scope: editing, selecting where to redirect to, sending correspondence
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: Generate Acknowledgement Letter
GIVEN an analyst has Opened the request
WHEN the analyst clicks Create Redirect Letter
THEN the analyst is taken to the Correspondence page: https://jacklyn808742.invisionapp.com/console/FOI---Intake-ckpq19frj032r013q6gpm8t1m/ckpx6mtxp012b013ef9jmfpgx/playAND the 'To' field is auto-filled with the applicant's email, the 'From' field is auto-filled with the analyst's email, the 'Subject' field is auto-filled with the Request ID, and the 'Email Description' is auto-filled with "Please see the attached regarding your FOI request"
AND the generated letter is available as a link named "Redirect Letter - Request ID"
Scenario 2: View Redirect Letter
GIVEN an analyst has generated the Redirect letter
WHEN the analyst clicks on the letter link "Redirect Letter - Request ID"
Assumptions & Scope Applicant has a valid email address
What is in and not in scope? In scope: document generator Not in scope: editing, selecting where to redirect to, sending correspondence
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: Generate Acknowledgement Letter
Scenario 2: View Redirect Letter
Scenario 3: Exit View Redirect Letter
Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)
Validation Rules? (If yes, list here)
Design @xxx - please link the Design here
Definition of Ready
Definition of Done