bcgov / foi-flow

Freedom of Information modernization
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OI redaction layer #3735

Open lmullane opened 1 year ago

lmullane commented 1 year ago

Assumptions & Scope What are the assumptions for this story?

OI layer can only be created once the request is in the 'Publication Review' state. See workflow:

The redline layer will be the default and will automatically be created when records are loaded into the Records Log.

Analysts will create a new layer in the menu; new layers will be based on the redaction layer.

Analysts will choose the layer from a pick list: OIPC, OI

It is possible that analysts will have more than one OIPC and OI layer and both versions will need to be retained. For example, the analyst shares a layer with OIPC and later creates and shares a new layer with OIPC.

Analysts will be able to switch between layers.

What is IN scope?

Creating/changing an OI layer

What is NOT in scope? OIPC layers #4191

Saving the layers as PDFs are covered in, #3437, #3231.

Toggling between the Redline and Response layers, #3704.

Creating and togging between Harms and Sign Off will be in a future story

Scenario 1: OI Layer on Redaction Layer dropdown

Scenario 2 - Create OI Layer - Modal

Scenario 3: Create OI Layer - Cancel

Scenario 4: Create OI Layer - Continue

Scenario 5: Create another OI layer

Scenario 6: Click active OI in Redaction Layer dropdown

Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)

Validation Rules? (If yes, list here)

Design @xxx - please link the Design here

Definition of Ready

  1. [ ] Is there a well articulated User Story?
  2. [ ] Is there Acceptance Criteria that covers all scenarios (happy/sad paths)?
  3. [ ] If there is a user interface, is there a design?
  4. [ ] Does the user story need user research/validation?
  5. [ ] Does this User Story needs stakeholder approval?
  6. [ ] Design / Solution accepted by Product Owner
  7. [ ] Is this user story small enough to be completed in a Sprint? Should it be split?
  8. [ ] Are the dependencies known/ understood? (technical, business, regulatory/policy)
  9. [ ] Has the story been estimated?

Definition of Done

  1. [ ] Passes developer unit tests
  2. [ ] Passes peer code review
  3. [ ] If there's a user interface, passes UX assurance
  4. [ ] Passes QA of Acceptance Criteria with verification in Dev and Test
  5. [ ] Confirm Test cases built and succeeding
  6. [ ] No regression test failures
  7. [ ] Test coverage acceptable by Product Owner
  8. [ ] Ticket ready to be merged to master or story branch
  9. [ ] Developer to list Config changes/ Update documents and designs
  10. [ ] Can be demoed in Sprint Review
  11. [ ] Tagged as part of a Release
  12. [ ] Feature flagged if required
  13. [ ] Change Management activities done?
lmullane commented 1 year ago

@JHarrietha-AOT, @m-prodan

I'd like your feedback on the AC. While the user's asked for a generic add new layer, as discussed, this could create issues with mapping layers to other actions in the process.

For example, how will the system know which layer to publish to Open Information if the user can freehand the layer name?

So instead I have kept with the original designs. Let me know what you think?

m-prodan commented 1 year ago

I am good with the approach of retaining the names for mapping purposes. Maybe in a future release we can give them a 'free text' field to name it as they like, but I agree that for mapping simplicity we need to enforce consistency in what kind of layer they create. If additional layers becomes significant effort - I would recommend we only expend that effort for OIPC reviews.... multiple OI layers would be very rare.

KyEggleston commented 12 months ago

Just to confirm - this includes the OI layer(s), but it's not expected to be used until OI is more fully fleshed out in the redaction app - right? Assumption is OI will just export the final package into AXIS to do their work until further notice (more OI functionality is built).

m-prodan commented 12 months ago

Note - add scenario to delete layer

lmullane commented 12 months ago

GIVEN an OI layer has been created WHEN the redline has been edited THEN edits to the redline will automatically appear in the OI layer

GIVEN a request is ready for publication WHEN a package has been delivered THEN the redline will be locked an uneditable

The above scenario will cover that a redline cannot be edited in when there is an OIPC layer.

lmullane commented 10 months ago

@m-prodan, this story has OIPC AC that are duplicates of #4191, but is still needed for OI layers.

Let me know if you agree?

m-prodan commented 10 months ago

Note - this has been removed from release 9.0. This will be re-written as an OI story specifically, and continue persisting with just one layer.