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Create OIPC Redline for Ministry Sign Off. #4170

Open liseandtea opened 11 months ago

liseandtea commented 11 months ago

• As an IAO analyst • I want to be able to save an OIPC redline PDF with all redactions • So the ministry coordinator or LSB can download the redline for Ministry Sign Off

Assumptions & Scope What are the assumptions for this story? • For release 9.0, the ministry will not have access to the Records Review app. • The request must be in the Records Review state. • Every page in the request package must have at least one of these flags applied: Partial Disclosure, Full Disclosure, Withheld in Full, Duplicate, Not Responsive, Duplicate or Non Responsive • Packages with pages with no flag or the 'Consult' or 'In Progress' flag cannot be saved as a redline • All redactions will be red boxes with the content visible. • All records will be saved in one PDF document in Object Storage. • And all Duplicate and Not Responsive flagged pages will be removed from the redline PDF • The PDF document will include all redactions, applied with a red box around the visible content, with the section stamp. • The PDF document will include NO comments, highlights or annotations. • The PDF document will be viewable in the redaction app.

What is IN scope? Saving the redline as PDF in Object Storage. Create Records Package dropdown

What is NOT in scope? Creating redaction layers and toggling between redaction layers is covered in #3704; Creating the Redline layer is done by default when Records are uploaded into the Records Log. State changes. Saved phased releases of the redline will be in future story. Creating a new records package.

Acceptance Criteria Scenario 1: Active "Create Response PDF" Dropdown • GIVEN an analyst is on a request • AND they have applied the OIPC Layer • WHEN IAO analyst is in the redaction app viewing the records • THEN there will be an active "Create Response PDF" dropdown

Scenario 2: Click on "Create Response PDF" Dropdown • GIVEN an IAO analyst is in the redaction app viewing the records • AND they have applied the OIPC Layer • WHEN IAO analyst clicks on the "Create Response PDF" Dropdown • THEN the dropdown will open • AND there will 3 options: 'Redline for Sign Off,' Redline for OIPC, and 'Response Package for Applicant.'

Scenario 3: Inactive "Redline for Sign Off" • GIVEN a records package is not in Records Review or Ministry Sign Off • AND they have applied the OIPC Review Layer • AND every page in the Records Package has one of these page flags applied: Partial Disclosure, Full Disclosure, Withheld in Full, Duplicate, Not Responsive • WHEN the IAO analyst is clicks on the "Create Response PDF" Dropdown • THEN there will be inactive and greyed out "Redline for Sign Off" option in the dropdown

Scenario 4: Active 'Redline for Sign Off' • GIVEN a records package is in Records Review or Ministry Sign Off • AND they have applied the OIPC Layer • AND every page in the Records Package has one of these page flags applied: Partial Disclosure, Full Disclosure, Withheld in Full, Duplicate, Not Responsive • WHEN the IAO analyst clicks on the "Create Response PDF" dropdown • THEN the "Redline for Sign Off" will be clickable • AND the 'Response for OIPC" and "Response Package for Applicant" will not be clickable

Scenario 5: Click "Redline for Sign Off" - Create and Cancel Options • GIVEN the "Create Response PDF" dropdown is open • AND the request is in Records Review • AND they have applied the OIPC Layer • WHEN the IAO analyst clicks the active "Redline for Sign Off" • THEN a modal will open with the message, "Are you sure want to create the redline PDF for ministry sign off. • AND a "Create Redline PDF" and "Cancel" button

Scenario 7: Click "Cancel" button • GIVEN an analyst is on the "Redline for Sign Off" modal • AND they have applied the OIPC Layer • WHEN the IAO analyst clicks the "Cancel" button • THEN a modal will close • AND the analyst will remain in the redaction app • AND no redline PDF will be saved

Scenario 8: Click "Redline for Sign Off" - Create option • GIVEN an analyst is on the "Redline for Sign Off" modal • AND they have applied the OIPC Layer • WHEN the IAO analyst clicks the "Create Redline PDF" button • THEN a modal will close • AND a green success toast will appear when the save is complete • AND the analyst will remain in the redaction app • AND the analyst will see the OIPC redline layer in the redaction app so they can review if needed • AND one redline PDF with all records will be saved in Object Storage • AND all pages flagged as Duplicate or Non Responsive pages will be removed from the redline • AND the redline PDF will contain all redactions (red boxes around visible text with the section of the ACT stamped in the box) • AND the redline PDF will contain no comments or annotations of any kind

Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)

Validation Rules? (If yes, list here)

Design @xxx - please link the Design here

Definition of Ready

  1. [ ] Is there a well articulated User Story?
  2. [ ] Is there Acceptance Criteria that covers all scenarios (happy/sad paths)?
  3. [ ] If there is a user interface, is there a design?
  4. [ ] Does the user story need user research/validation?
  5. [ ] Does this User Story needs stakeholder approval?
  6. [ ] Design / Solution accepted by Product Owner
  7. [ ] Is this user story small enough to be completed in a Sprint? Should it be split?
  8. [ ] Are the dependencies known/ understood? (technical, business, regulatory/policy)
  9. [ ] Has the story been estimated?

Definition of Done

  1. [ ] Passes developer unit tests
  2. [ ] Passes peer code review
  3. [ ] If there's a user interface, passes UX assurance
  4. [ ] Passes QA of Acceptance Criteria with verification in Dev and Test
  5. [ ] Confirm Test cases built and succeeding
  6. [ ] No regression test failures
  7. [ ] Test coverage acceptable by Product Owner
  8. [ ] Ticket ready to be merged to master or story branch
  9. [ ] Developer to list Config changes/ Update documents and designs
  10. [ ] Can be demoed in Sprint Review
  11. [ ] Tagged as part of a Release
  12. [ ] Feature flagged if required
  13. [ ] Change Management activities done?
liseandtea commented 11 months ago

@m-prodan @KyEggleston Let me know if there are needed changes. This one is based on what is covered in #3437 Save redline PDF for Ministry Sign Off. I am unsure about the language about saving copies in object storage, etc., but I presume it would be the same...?

m-prodan commented 10 months ago

We should ask the devs if we can just adjust this story to just have the create redline for Ministry sign-off function available, ideally this should be very little effort and just leverage our existing Ministry sign-off redline creation.

cc @lmullane

Aman-Hundal commented 8 months ago

Follow up notes:

liseandtea commented 8 months ago

@JHarrietha-AOT Hey! Can you please see if this aligns with your designs?

divyav-aot commented 7 months ago

Refinement Comments: who can download this package? - Same as normal Redline for Signoff. Both IAO and Ministry can download

lmullane commented 7 months ago

Should we call it "OIPC Redline for Signoff" to differentiate between an OIPC redline and the original redline?

@m-prodan, @liseandtea , @KyEggleston , @JHarrietha-AOT

liseandtea commented 7 months ago

@m-prodan @lmullane @KyEggleston @JHarrietha-AOT As it is the same process as sending a redline to the ministry for sign off and the review is happening on the OIPC layer, I don't think we need to have another option. Too many choices will be confusing I think.

milosdes commented 6 months ago

Talked with @liseandtea to confirm functionality. The "Redline for OIPC" button will create a redline from the OIPC layer with the s14 redactions applied. The "Redline for Sign Off" button will create a redline from EITHER the OIPC layer or original Redline layer, whichever is currently selected. This confirmation needs to be added to the modal (eg. "Are you sure you want to create a redline from the OIPC (or Redline) layer?"

sumathi-thirumani commented 6 months ago

"Download OIPC" is the prefix for downloads produced from OIPC layer.