bcgov / foi-flow

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Apply Page Flags at Document Level #4379

Open m-prodan opened 1 year ago

m-prodan commented 1 year ago

Assumptions & Scope Feedback from the super user sessions - they would love to make bulk actions at the document level (eg - if document X was 100 pages and a duplicate, they'd like to do it in less clicks than current)

What is IN scope? Bulk page flag actions at the document level

What is NOT in scope?

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario 1: Apply Page Flag - Document

Scenario 2: Apply Page Flag - Document - Select

Scenario 3: Apply Page Flag Document - Continue

Scenario 4: Apply Page Flag - Document - Existing Consult

Scenario 5: Apply Page Flag - Document - Consult

Scenario 5: Apply Page Flag - Document - Consult

Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)

Validation Rules? (If yes, list here)

Design @xxx - please link the Design here

Definition of Ready

  1. [ ] Is there a well articulated User Story?
  2. [ ] Is there Acceptance Criteria that covers all scenarios (happy/sad paths)?
  3. [ ] If there is a user interface, is there a design?
  4. [ ] Does the user story need user research/validation?
  5. [ ] Does this User Story needs stakeholder approval?
  6. [ ] Design / Solution accepted by Product Owner
  7. [ ] Is this user story small enough to be completed in a Sprint? Should it be split?
  8. [ ] Are the dependencies known/ understood? (technical, business, regulatory/policy)
  9. [ ] Has the story been estimated?

Definition of Done

  1. [ ] Passes developer unit tests
  2. [ ] Passes peer code review
  3. [ ] If there's a user interface, passes UX assurance
  4. [ ] Passes QA of Acceptance Criteria with verification in Dev and Test
  5. [ ] Confirm Test cases built and succeeding
  6. [ ] No regression test failures
  7. [ ] Test coverage acceptable by Product Owner
  8. [ ] Ticket ready to be merged to master or story branch
  9. [ ] Developer to list Config changes/ Update documents and designs
  10. [ ] Can be demoed in Sprint Review
  11. [ ] Tagged as part of a Release
  12. [ ] Feature flagged if required
  13. [ ] Change Management activities done?
m-prodan commented 12 months ago

document level flagging... @lmullane @JHarrietha-AOT @liseandtea @KyEggleston

Aman-Hundal commented 10 months ago

Refinement Questions:

FE changes needed

m-prodan commented 10 months ago

Matt to include a modal scenario - @JHarrietha-AOT to provide design Will overwrite all REDACTION flags, consult flags will NOT be overwritten, but could be added (link to #4403) - AND remove page left off as an option

Aman-Hundal commented 10 months ago

Follow up notes:

m-prodan commented 10 months ago

cc @JHarrietha-AOT

JHarrietha-AOT commented 10 months ago

@m-prodan @liseandtea @KyEggleston This is what I am thinking for the content for this module just to ensure users know they are selecting a whole document instead of an individual page. Let me know what you think of the wording and if you have any changes.

KyEggleston commented 10 months ago

Changing the confirm button verbiage from "Create Redline" to "Confirm" - but may have already identified this and were just reusing asset

The verbiage is tough without making too lengthy - more detail would look like this, but unsure about it being too much info:

"Are you sure you want to flag all pages in the selected document(s) as (Page Flag)?

This will override any existing page flags throughout the entire document (Note: this will not override existing consult page flags, which will be retained in addition to the new page flag).

If you have selected to add the consult page flag, this will not override other page flags, and it will be added as an additional page flag.

KyEggleston commented 8 months ago

NOTE: this is a prerequisite before we can start working on the phased release stories