so that I can better focus my review of records for sign-off
Assumptions & Scope
This story comes out of user feedback around having easier tools for Ministry approvers to review packages more quickly. Being able to identify more quickly pages that are being withheld vs disclosed can be helpful to focus the sign-off approvers time in reviewing a large package of records.
This will be included alongside the redline, as a standalone PDF
What is IN scope?
A summary document of redactions to be included when a redline is created
What is NOT in scope?
Summary document of redactions for a response package (story # )
Ad-Hoc summary document of redactions (story # )
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: Create Redline - Summary Document
GIVEN an IAO user has completed the review of records in the redaction app
WHEN they activate the 'Create Redline PDF'
THEN the redline will be created
AND a summary of redactions will also be produced (see design: XXXX)
Scenario 2: Download Redline for Ministry Sign-Off
GIVEN a user is on the records tab and has the download drop down activated
WHEN they click on 'Download Redline for Sign-Off'
THEN the redline package will automatically be downloaded as configured by the specific Ministry
AND a summary of redactions will also be available as a single PDF
Scenario 3: xxxxxx
Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)
Validation Rules? (If yes, list here)
@xxx - please link the Design here
Definition of Ready
[ ] Is there a well articulated User Story?
[ ] Is there Acceptance Criteria that covers all scenarios (happy/sad paths)?
[ ] If there is a user interface, is there a design?
[ ] Does the user story need user research/validation?
[ ] Does this User Story needs stakeholder approval?
[ ] Design / Solution accepted by Product Owner
[ ] Is this user story small enough to be completed in a Sprint? Should it be split?
[ ] Are the dependencies known/ understood? (technical, business, regulatory/policy)
[ ] Has the story been estimated?
Definition of Done
[ ] Passes developer unit tests
[ ] Passes peer code review
[ ] If there's a user interface, passes UX assurance
[ ] Passes QA of Acceptance Criteria with verification in Dev and Test
[ ] Confirm Test cases built and succeeding
[ ] No regression test failures
[ ] Test coverage acceptable by Product Owner
[ ] Ticket ready to be merged to master or story branch
[ ] Developer to list Config changes/ Update documents and designs
Assumptions & Scope This story comes out of user feedback around having easier tools for Ministry approvers to review packages more quickly. Being able to identify more quickly pages that are being withheld vs disclosed can be helpful to focus the sign-off approvers time in reviewing a large package of records.
This will be included alongside the redline, as a standalone PDF
What is IN scope? A summary document of redactions to be included when a redline is created
What is NOT in scope? Summary document of redactions for a response package (story # ) Ad-Hoc summary document of redactions (story # )
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: Create Redline - Summary Document
Scenario 2: Download Redline for Ministry Sign-Off
Scenario 3: xxxxxx ...
Dependencies? What is the impact of this dependency? (If so, link dependency in the ticket, make it visible in a team´s backlog)
Validation Rules? (If yes, list here)
Design @xxx - please link the Design here
Definition of Ready
Definition of Done