If the task will only make sense to a dev, add a :zap: to the title.
The Copy/Paste functionality isn't intuitive, persists a record in state, and only really works if you paste into a record of the same type, but this context isn't visible anywhere, so you can paste into the incorrect record type, causing half the values to be irrelevant and hidden.
The goal of the functionality is to duplicate an existing record, so the workflow should be simplified to just making a new record.
Value Add
Reduced Cognitive load
Clear call to action
Less juggling state / function calls
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Remove Copy / Paste functions
[ ] Create button 'Duplicate this Record'
[ ] When a user selects duplicate record, create a new copy of the record and go to that activity.
Describe the task
The Copy/Paste functionality isn't intuitive, persists a record in state, and only really works if you paste into a record of the same type, but this context isn't visible anywhere, so you can paste into the incorrect record type, causing half the values to be irrelevant and hidden.
The goal of the functionality is to duplicate an existing record, so the workflow should be simplified to just making a new record.
Value Add
Acceptance Criteria
Additional Context