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Populate Species Array for Activities #812

Closed micheal-w-wells closed 3 years ago

micheal-w-wells commented 3 years ago

On save, via web or mobile, populate an array of species objects (code, description, more to be added later) at the top level of the activity record.

This is to be used in filters and maps toggles.

dogcomplex commented 3 years ago

So, this is the current list of unmatched species from old IAPP data. Unfortunately this does constitute around 30k surveys, so it would be nice if we could map these to our current codes or create some new ones.
The successful matches may not be 100% accurate either due to being done automatically, but they favor closer matches, and only lock in when unambiguous (only one match). I'll post the whole list at some point here for confirmation.

@CrystalChadburn @mikeshasko if either of you have any thoughts on how to map these unmatched species codes from IAPP, please let me know. We can add new codes as well if necessary.

UNMATCHED IAPP PLANTS (with comments):
  LYTH: 'Purple loosestrife',
  IRIS: 'Yellow iris <5m2',
  MYRI: 'Parrot feather',
  NYMP: 'Fragrant water lily',
  EICH: 'Water hyacinth',
  PIST: 'Water lettuce',
  LYSI: 'Large yellow / spott',
  POTA: 'Curly leaf pondweed',
  EGER: 'Brazilian waterweed',
  NAST: 'Watercress',
  SCHO: 'Bog bulrush / ricefi',
  DIDY: 'Didymo'

  HIER: 'Hawkweed species',
- Many subtypes but no general one anymore. Common hawkweed?
  SONC: 'Sowthistle species', 
- Annual vs Perennial
  CENT: 'Knapweed species',
- Many subtypes but no general one anymore. Common hawkweed?
  SOLA: 'Nightshade',
- American black vs Silverleaf vs European / Climbing
  BUTO: 'Flowering rush',
- Rush Skeletonweed?

REFERENCE: FULL LIST OF NEW CODES (Which we want to map into)

AR  African rue / harmal (PEGA HAR Peganum harmala)
HB  Annual hawksbeard (CREP TEC Crepis tectorum)
AS  Annual sow thistle (SONC OLE Sonchus oleraceus)
BN  American black nightshade (SOLA AME Solanum americanum)
BY  Baby's breath (GYPS PAN Gypsophila paniculata)
BB  Bachelor's button (CENT CYA Centaurea cyanus)
BA  Barnyard grass (ECHI CRU Echinochloa crusgalli)
KB  Bighead knapweed (CENT MAC Centaurea macrocephala)
BP  Bigleaf periwinkle / large periwinkle (VINC MAJ Vinca major)
BH  Black henbane (HYOS NIG Hyoscyamus niger)
BL  Black knapweed (CENT NIG Centaurea nigra)
RB  Black locust (ROBI PSE Robinia pseudoacacia)
BC  Bladder campion (SILE VUL Silene vulgaris)
BW  Blueweed (ECHI VUL Echium vulgare)
BO  Bohemian knotweed (FALL BOH Fallopia x bohemicum)
RA  Bristly locust / rose acacia (ROBI HIS Robinia hispida)
BK  Brown knapweed (CENT JAC Centaurea jacea)
BT  Bull thistle (CIRS VUL Cirsium vulgare)
CB  Bur chervil (ANTH CAU Anthriscus caucalis),20
UR  Bur buttercup (CERA TES Ceratocephala testiculata)
BU  Common burdock (ARCT MIN  Arctium minus)
GB  Great burdock (ARCT LAP Arctium lappa)
BD  Butterfly bush (BUDD DAV Buddleja davidii)
FF  Buffalo-bur (SOLA ROS Solanum rostratum)
AM  Camel thorn (ALHA MAU Alhagi maurorum)
CT  Canada thistle (CIRS ARV Cirsium arvense)
CA  Caraway (CARU CAR Carum carvi)
CG  Carpet burweed (SOLI SES Soliva sessilis)
DB  Cheatgrass / downy brome (BROM TEC Bromus tectorum)
LC  Cherry laurel (PRUN LAU Prunus laurocerasus)
CY  Chicory (CICH INT Cichorium intybus)
CH  Chilean tarweed (MADI SAT Madia sativa)
CE  Clary sage (SALV SCL Salvia sclarea)
CF  Coltsfoot (TUSS FAR Tussilago farfara)
AO  Common bugloss (ANCH OFF Anchusa officinalis)
CO  Common comfrey (SYMP OFF Symphytum officinale)
CC  Common crupina (CRUP VUL Crupina vulgaris)
CX  Common hawkweed (PILO VUL Pilosella / Hieracium lanchenalii)
CP  Common periwinkle (VINC MIN Vinca minor)
TC  Common tansy (TANA VUL Tanacetum vulgare)
CR  Creeping buttercup (RANU REP Ranunculus repens)
CU  Cudweed (GNAP ULI Gnaphalium uliginosum)
CD  Curled dock (RUME CRI Rumex crispus)
CL  Cutleaf blackberry (RUBU LAC Rubus laciniatus)
CS  Cypress spurge (EUPH CYP Euphorbia cyparissias)
DT  Dalmatian toadflax (LINA DAL Linaria dalmatica)
DR  Dame's rocket (HESP MAT Hesperis matronalis)
SL  Daphne / spurge laurel (DAPH LAU Daphne laureola)
DK  Diffuse knapweed (CENT DIF Centaurea diffusa)
DO  Dodder (CUSC SPP Cuscuta spp.)
DE  Dwarf eelgrass (ZOST JAP Zostera japonica)
DW  Dyer's woad (ISAT TIN Isatis tinctoria)
ES  Eggleaf spurge (EUPH OBL Euphorbia oblongata)
HO  English holly (ILEX AQU Ilex aquifolium)
EI  English ivy (HEDE HEL Hedera helix)
EU  European bittersweet / climbing nightshade (SOLA DUL Solanum dulcamara)
RC  European Common Reed / Common reed (PHRA AUS Phragmites australis subsp. australis)
EH  European hawkweed (PILO SAB Pilosella / Hieracium sabaudum)
EY  Eyebright (EUPH NEM Euphrasia nemorosa)
FB  Field bindweed (CONV ARV Convolvulus arvensis)
FS  Field scabious (KNAU ARV Knautia arvensis)
FP  Flat pea / flat peavine (LATH SYL Lathyrus sylvestris)
GM  French broom (GENI MON Genista monspessulana)
AP  Garlic mustard (ALLI PET Alliaria petiolata)
MA  Giant chickweed (MYOS AQU Myosoton aquaticum)
GH  Giant hogweed (HERA MAN Heracleum mantegazzianum)
GK  Giant knotweed (FALL SAC Fallopia sachalinensis)
SW  Giant mannagrass / reed sweetgrass (GLYC MAX Glyceria maxima)
AD  Giant reed / giant cane (ARUN DON Arundo donax)
GP  Globe-pod hoary cress (LEPI APP Lepidium appelianum )
RG  Goat's rue / french lilac (GALE OFF Galega officinalis)
GO  Gorse (ULEX EUR Ulex europaeus)
GW  Goutweed / bishop's weed (AEGO POD Aegopodium podagraria)
GC  Greater celandine (CHEL MAJ Chelidonium majus)
GN  Greater knapweed (CENT SCA Centaurea scabiosa)
GF  Green foxtail / green bristlegrass (SETA VIR Setaria viridis)
GS  Groundsel (SENE VUL Senecio vulgaris)
HR  Hairy cat's-ear (HYPO RAD Hypochaeris radicata)
HC  Heart-podded hoary cress / Hoary cress (CARD DRA Cardaria draba)
BI  Hedge false bindweed (CALY SEP Calystegia sepium)
HD  Hedgehog dogtail (CYNO ECH Cynosurus echinatus)
GR  Herb robert (GERA ROB Geranium robertianum)
HI  Himalayan blackberry (RUBU ARM Rubus armeniacus)
PO  Himalayan knotweed (POLY POL Polygonum polystachyum)
HA  Hoary alyssum (BERT INC Berteroa incana)
HT  Hound's-tongue (CYNO OFF Cynoglossum officinale)
IS  Iberian starthistle (CENT IBE Centaurea iberica)
IT  Italian plumeless thistle (CARD PYC Carduus pycnocephalus)
JP  Japanese butterbur (PETA JAP Petasites japonicus)
JK  Japanese knotweed (FALL JAP Fallopia japonica)
JW  Japanese wireweed (SARG MUT Sargassum muticum)
GJ  Johnsongrass (SORG HAL Sorghum halepense)
JG  Jointed goatgrass (AEGI CYL Aegilops cylindrica)
KH  Kingdevil hawkweed (HIER FLO Hieracium floribundum)
KO  Kochia (KOCH SCO Kochia scoparia)
KU  Kudzu (PUER MON Pueraria montana)
LT  Lady's-thumb (POLY PER Polygonum persicaria)
LS  Leafy spurge (EUPH ESU Euphorbia esula)
LH  Lens-pod hoary cress  (LEPI CHA Lepidium chalepense)
RF  Lesser celandine / fig buttercup (RANU FIC Ranunculus ficaria)
LO  Longspine sandbur (CENC LON Cenchrus longispinus)
MX  Maltese star thistle (CENT MEL Centaurea melitensis)
MT  Marsh plume thistle / Marsh thistle (CIRS PAL Cirsium palustre)
MB  Meadow buttercup (RANU ACR Ranunculus acris)
MC  Meadow clary (SALV PRA Salvia pratensis)
MG  Meadow goats-beard (TRAG PRA Tragopogon pratensis)
MH  Meadow hawkweed (HIER CAE Hieracium caespitosum)
MK  Meadow knapweed (CENT DEB Centaurea debeauxii)
MS  Mediterranean sage (SALV AET Salvia aethiopsis)
TM  Medusahead (TAEN CAP Taeniatherum caput-medusae)
MI  Milk thistle (SILY MAR Silybum marianum)
MO  Mountain bluet (CENT MON Centaurea montana)
ME  Mouse ear hawkweed (HIER PIL Hieracium pilosella)
MU  Mullein (VERB THA Verbascum thapsis)
EM  Myrtle spurge (EUPH MYR Euphorbia myrsinites)
NC  Night-flowering catchfly (SILE NOC Silene noctiflora)
NT  Nodding thistle (CARD NUT Carduus nutans)
NA  North africa grass (VENT DUB Ventenata dubia)
OM  Old man's beard / traveller's joy (CLEM VIT Clematis vitalba)
OH  Orange hawkweed (HIER AUR Hieracium aurantiacum)
OD  Oxeye daisy (LEUC VUL Leucanthemum vulgare)
EP  Paterson's Curse (ECHI PLA Echium plantagineum)
PP  Perennial pepperweed (LEPI LAT Lepidium latifolium)
PS  Perennial sow thistle (SONC ARV Sonchus arvensis)
PT  Plumeless thistle (CARD ACA Carduus acanthoides)
PH  Poison hemlock (CONI MAC Conium maculatum)
PA  Polar hawkweed (PILO ATR Pilosella / Hieracium atratum)
IM  Policeman's helmet / himalayan balsam (IMPA GLA Impatiens glandulifera)
PR  Portuguese broom (CYTI STR Cytisus striatus)
LP  Portugese laurel (PRUN LUS Prunus lusitanica)
PC  Prickly comfrey (SYMP ASP Symphytum asperum)
PV  Puncturevine (TRIB TER Tribulus terrestris)
PD  Purple deadnettle (LAMI PUR Lamium purpureum)
PN  Purple nutsedge (CYPE ROT Cyperus rotundus)
PU  Purple starthistle (CENT CAL Centaurea calcitrapa)
QA  Queen anne's lace / wild carrot (DAUC CAR Daucus carota)
QH  Queendevil hawkweed (HIER PRE Hieracium praealtum)
BR  Red bartsia (ODON SER Odontites serotina)
RP  Redroot amaranth / rough pigweed (AMAR RET Amaranthus retroflexus)
RE  Reed Canary Grass (PHAL ARU Phalaris arundinacea)
RS  Rush skeletonweed (CHON JUN Chondrilla juncea)
RK  Russian knapweed (ACRO REP Acroptilon repens)
RO  Russian olive (ELAE ANG Elaeagnus angustifolia)
RT  Russian thistle (SALS KAL Salsola kali)
TA  Saltcedar / tamarisk (TAMA RAM Tamarix ramosissima)
AH  Saltlover / halogeton (HALO GLO Halogeton glomeratus)
SH  Scentless chamomile (MATR PER Matricaria perforata)
SB  Scotch broom (CYTI SCO Cytisus scoparius)
ST  Scotch thistle (ONOP ACA Onopordum acanthium)
SS  Sheep sorrel (RUME ACE Rumex acetosella)
SP  Shepherd's-purse (CAPS BUR Capsella bursa-pastoris)
SG  Shiny geranium (GERA LUC Geranium lucidum)
CN  Short-fringed knapweed (CENT NIR Centaurea nigrescens)
SE  Siberian elm (ULMU PUM Ulmus pumila)
NS  Silverleaf nightshade (SOLA ELA Solanum elaeagnifolium)
FT  Slender meadow foxtail (ALOP MYO Alopecurus myosuroides)
BF  Slender false brome / false brome (BRAC SYL Brachypodium sylvaticum)
HG  Smooth cat's ear (HYPO GLA Hypochaeris glabra)
SM  Smooth hawkweed (PILO LAE Pilosella / Hieracium laevigatum)
BS  Spanish bluebells (HYAC HIS Hyacinthoides hispanica)
SI  Spanish broom (SPAR JUN Spartium junceum)
SX  Spotted hawkweed (PILO MAC Pilosella / Hieracium maculatum)
SK  Spotted knapweed (CENT BIE Centaurea biebersteinii)
MV  Spring millet grass (MILI VER Milium vernale)
TP  Spurge flax (THYM PAS Thymelaea passerina)
CV  Squarrose knapweed (CENT VIR Centaurea virgata ssp. squarrosa)
SJ  St. John's wort/Saint John's wort/ Goatweed (HYPE PER Hypericum perforatum)
SC  Sulphur cinquefoil (POTE REC Potentilla recta)
SF  Sweet fennel (FOEN VUL Foeniculum vulgare)
SY  Syrian bean-caper (ZYGO FAB Zygophyllum fabago)
TH  Tall hawkweed (HIER OID Hieracium piloselloides)
TR  Tansy ragwort (SENE JAC Senecio jacobaea)
TB  Tartary buckwheat (FAGO TAT Fagopyrum tataricum)
TS  Teasel (DIPS FUL Dipsacus fullonum)
TX  Texas blueweed (HELI CIL Helianthus ciliaris)
AA  Tree of heaven (AILA ALT Ailanthus altissima)
VL  Velvet leaf (ABUT THE Abutilon theophrasti)
WA  Wall hawkweed (PILO MUR Pilosella / Hieracium murorum)
WG  Western goat's-beard (TRAG DUB Tragopogon dubius)
WP  Whiplash hawkweed (HIER FLA Hieracium flagellare)
WC  White cockle (LYCH ALB Lychnis alba)
SR  White spanish broom (CYTI MUL Cytisus multiflorus)
WB  Wild buckwheat (POLY CON Polygonum convolvulus)
WI  Wild chervil (ANTH SYL Anthriscus sylvestris)
WF  Wild four o'clock (MIRA NYC Mirabilis nyctaginea)
WM  Wild mustard (SINA ARV Sinapis arvensis)
WO  Wild oats (AVEN FAT Avena fatua)
PW  Wild parsnip (PAST SAT Pastinaca sativa)
WT  Winged thistle / slender-flowered thistle (CARD TEN Carduus tenuiflorus)
WS  Wood sage (SALV NEM Salvia nemorsa)
WW  Wormwood (ARTE ABS Artemisia absinthium)
YA  Yellow archangel (LAMI GAL Lamiastrum galeobdolon)
YD  Yellowdevil hawkweed (HIER GLO Hieracium glomeratum)
YH  Yellow hawkweed (HIER PRA Hieracium pratense)
HS  Yellow hawkweed species (HIER PILO SPP Hieracium / Pilosella spp.)
YN  Yellow nutsedge (CYPE ESC Cyperus esculentus)
YS  Yellow starthistle (CENT SOL Centaurea solstitialis)
YT  Yellow/common toadflax (LINA VUL Linaria vulgaris)
dogcomplex commented 3 years ago

@CrystalChadburn Thanks for pointing out that I was missing the aquatic plants mappings here! Though that still leaves the following needing a resolution:

  DIDY: 'Didymo'
  HIER: 'Hawkweed species',
- Many subtypes but no general one anymore. Common hawkweed?
  SONC: 'Sowthistle species', 
- Annual vs Perennial
  CENT: 'Knapweed species',
- Many subtypes but no general one anymore. Common hawkweed?
  SOLA: 'Nightshade',
- American black vs Silverleaf vs European / Climbing
CrystalChadburn commented 3 years ago

@dogcomplex here are the answers to your remaining list above:

DIDY: 'Didymo' - we have now removed this from InvasivesBC as it was determined to be native. No longer tracking this.

HIER: 'Hawkweed species', - Removed this option from invasivesBC as we no longer want to enable people to use a general "species" one for hawkweeds, we want to force them to ID the plant and use the correct hawkweed. Therefore we want to be able to look at the IAPP data tagged as Hawkweed spp. but there will no longer be new data with that name moving forward.

SONC: 'Sowthistle species',