Closed MCatherine1994 closed 1 year ago
Data comparison: compare the client data with the record in orgbook, just focus on the 23446 active client with client type corporation and association
Partial found (name or incorporation number match): 81% Found (name and incorporation number match): 54% Not found (neither name nor incorporation number match): 19% Match(name and incorporation number and status match): 32%
Definition for incorporation number match:
The business api from bc registry to get the address:{identifier}/addresses
FSADT1-357 Explore BC Registry and Orgbook BC API
Key problem to solve:
Can we get status, company name, address, business number through these two apis? Using OrgBook API we can only get the company name, registration number and the status. BC Registry provides business address, we are waiting for response from them to learn how to get access
What api call to use in order to get those information? Using OrgBook API:
Some data analysis query General Count:
Check Duplicate:
Check accuracy:
Check data matching: The REGISTRY_COMPANY_TYPE_CODE got from forest client table is way more less than the entity type in the orgbook, some descriptions here. The orgbook records also only have 2 status (active and historical), our client table has 5 status (Active, Deactivated, Deceased, Receivership,Suspended)
Are the data the same from bc registry and orgbook?
When to use the api:
Simple use case: When we create a new client for an organization, we first check if it exists in forest client database or if has duplicate:
Reference link: Bc registry API info and and Orgbook API, Orgbook BC